Thursday Views
I’ve been trying to get out and walk more, and revisiting some places I used to visit. Along the way, I see these little purple flowers everywhere. Some are deep purple, as in the photo above.
Others, lighter in color, line our walk and cheer us on as we go. I think these may be prairie phlox.
This was our view as we strolled along at a nearby nature center. There’s nothing more inviting and beautiful than a corridor of green!
Many of you may have seen this in my Instagram feed. We had a visitor while we were busy planting flowers. This is an Abbott’s Sphinx Moth. A little creepy, yet beautiful – look at those amazing colors!
Of course, all that walking and planting deserves some snacking, right? We’ve currently been a bit obsessed with White Chocolate Coconut Key Lime cookies. So obsessed that I didn’t even think of taking a photo. They make a small batch and will keep about a week. The little hint of lime and the white chocolate is such a yummy combination. You can find the recipe here.
I’ve also been reading a bit more, and I wanted to give you a heads up. In my last Thursday post, I showed you a stack of books. I finished one of the books – The Rug Merchant. If you have it in your queue, don’t bother. It wasn’t any good, at least that’s my view. I’d feel badly if I didn’t tell you and have you read it and would wonder why I recommended it.
The Weekly Wilbs
Wilbs recently had a little visit with the vet, which was a bit unpleasant for him. In this photo, we are waiting at the curb, so we let him out to explore the inside of the car. He was quite curious about all the action outside the car. We actually wonder if he might enjoy a car ride without the carrier. On the other hand, given his need to be up in our faces or down under our feet much of the time, perhaps not.
Now that he has recovered and the drugs have worn off, he is full of spit and vinegar and feeling so much better. His whole view of the world has changed from sleepy and tired, to running around, tossing his favorite catnip carrot in the air and flying through the house.
So the Thursday views from Pieceful Thoughts are pretty darn good. What about you, what are you enjoying this week?

Woven Quilt

Funky Noodles
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Great photos! I need to get walking or biking rather than reading and eating. I reread At Home in Mitford and enjoyed it so much. I’m glad I picked it up again.
it is so nice to get out and get a walk isn’t it when spring starts and you see all the green and the flowers too. I do not have that book on my list but I have a lot on my kindle lined up to read one day! I hope to get to a little sewing late afternoon if my mouth doesn’t bother me too much after the dentist
Cindy Pieters
Getting out and enjoying a walk in nature has been something \I’ve been doing lately. I see some cookies in my very near future.
Awww poor Wilbur; so glad he’s feeling better! I’m picturing him tossing that carrot. 😀 That nature walk looks beautiful. It’s hard to get my husband to vary from his normal cookie rotation (peanut butter, chocolate chip, or oatmeal raisin), but my palette is more adventurous and gosh those cookies look good.
Vicki in MN
I have thoroughly enjoyed my crab tree this week, it’s at the most blossoms we have ever seen, super coverage! My lilacs on the other hand are so pathetic, they must not have received enough moisture over the winter, had I realized that could have watered earlier. Glad to hear Wilbur is back to himself;) I hope you are doing alright.
Louise Hornor
Both our cats were much better in the car once we let them out of the carrier. Much yowling and grumpiness in the carrier but they settled right down when let loose. Glad Wilbs is on the mend 🙂
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
That moth is so unusual and beautiful, but I can see the creepy too! LOL I’m so glad Wilbs is feeling better and back to himself! He would probably enjoy the free ride in the car much more than you! We in the south call that dark purple a Johnny Jump Up. I, too, think the lighter purple is a phlox! Have a great weekend, Wendy!
Barbara J Stanbro
I’ve seen those moths before. Really incredible. Looks like a pretty walk. We have had cats that rode in the car without a carrier, but not many. You’re right, they want to get down by your feet sometimes, which is especially bad if you’re the driver.
Carol in Texas
For years we have traveled from Texas to Colorado, most often carrying cats along. None of them like the trip until we reach the end where the air of the mountains gets them SO excited. We built a cabin there years ago and used to spend the summers there. The cats loved it, just not the journey there! Some hid under the seats for the trip, some threw up at the beginning to announce their disgust, some rode in the driver’s lap! Some hid when they caught on that we were departing…..requiring wily moves on our parts! Today the only trips are to the vet and those are preceded by a trip into the little carrier…..they hate that too! Cats are homebodies. Whether it is in Texas or in Colorado our cats liked being in one place. And a stay in a motel in route was REALLY disturbing!!!
Cheree Hull
Love that pathway and wish we had one like that near us. (Hubs and I always walk after dinner so driving to any place with those scenes would cut into our eve a bit too much but maybe some weekend?). Cut pic of Wilbs–can just make out the sign Pet Supply, like he’s looking for toys or treats, just like a kid. The cookies–oy, literally mouthwatering I’m sure with that lime. I’m not gonna look at the recipe…for now but I took the time to pin it. (My major milestone has not been hit and I have 3 days.)
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Your views are definitely beautiful this week, Wendy! I love all that green, and the purple flowers, too. The cookies sound yummy! Wilbur’s view might not have been the one he wanted, but so glad he’s feeling better.
Spring walks are so nice. I’ve been enjoying mine. Years ago, the grand kids and I stopped at a rest area and there were some large moths on the side of the buildings soaking up the morning son. We really enjoyed seeing them. Wilbs is certainly curious about the outdoors. And those cookies might keep for a week but they wouldn’t last that long in my house!
those cookies sound wonderful. I’m going to try them today. Wilburrrrrr is my fave cat! He would likely love a car ride if it didn’t end up at the vets. Try him around the block sometime. the moth is beautiful. Are you seeing cicadas yet?
Hi Wendy! What fabulous views you have on your walkabout. That path is divine – the nice shade looks wonderful. Ahhh, Wilbs. It’s amazing to watch what they find new to discover, isn’t it?! It’s kind of like my littles and seeing the world through their eyes points out new things to us. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
The Joyful Quilter
LOVE that path through the woods, Wendy!!
Jocelyn Thurston
Your deep purple flowers look like what we call dog violets here, a wildflower that is having quite a season this year. The lighter does look like prairie phlox…isn’ t it grand to have such beauty in the wild. A great bonus while walking. That cookie sounds amazing; I’m going to tell my daughter about them. So happy Wilbs is fine and obviously no worse for the wear.
Yes. A lovely corridor of green!
Quilting is in my Blood
That Sphinx moth is fascinating looking, not only the colors but the textures! Glad you got Wilbur taken care of. Even when he wasn’t feeling his best, he was still curious. Love the purple flowers and the green corridor. As much as I love New Mexico’s landscape and colors, we don’t have much luscious green. Have a great day.
So glad Wilbs is back to himself! I love the flowers and photos of the woods! Have a great weekend!
I love the greens of the spring. Key lime pie is so good – the cookies sound interesting. Glad Wilbur is well and feisty.
Needle and Foot
Hey there! I am catching up on blog reading now that I am back home. Lots and lots of reading to do!! Lovely walking trails – it is the perfect time of year, before any heat and/or humidity set it. Today is grocery shopping day – the cupboards are mighty bare. Have a lovely day Wendy!
Kathleen Scargle McCormick
Love th
I love the purple flowers. Just had some more planted in my backyard, which is beginning to look pretty good for a non-gardner. That moth!!! And Wilbur in the car. I can’t imagine letting a cat loose in the car. My cat hated it all and after getting him in the carrier I would never have let him out! Glad itall worked out!
Such lovely pictures of the outside! I love all the green and flowers popping up for spring. So glad Wilbs is feeling better!
Your walking route looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing the natural beauty along the way. Trust Wilbur has regained his poise after the journey to the vet
You and I must have been walking together with the violets. I think you are right the phlox. What an interesting moth. Love the corridor of green. Sorry about the book, isn’t that disappointing at times. Thanks for the recipe sounds yummy. Wilbs looks like he is a very curious cat.