Thursdays at Pieceful Thoughts
Sewing Room Views
The photo above is what I see each day as I sew. I enjoy that view in every season. Occasionally I’ll see a deer or two, one year we had a flock of turkeys visit regularly, another year we had a coyote. Most of the time, however, it’s birds and squirrels, which amuses Wilbs.
A Whole Different View
BigJ went on a business trip recently. This view he sent me from his hotel room cracked me up. I call it the demon cow.
It makes me chuckle each time I look at it. Up close, you’ll see it’s just a poorly placed lampshade in front of the painting.
It looks a bit better up close, doesn’t it? Maybe someone had a sense of humor when they set this up – or maybe they didn’t step back and look at the view. Who knows?
Baking Bread
As I’m typing this, I have a loaf of banana bread in the oven. Although I can’t smell it like I used to (thanks, Covid) it still smells good.
I enjoy recipe books almost as much as the other books I read. My kids usually gift me books for my birthday and Christmas, and I thoroughly enjoy seeing what they pick out. My daughter gave me this bread book.
I am looking forward to trying some of the recipes. Just looking at the photos is a delight and a feast for the eyes.
Piano Desk Update
The piano desk is coming along. This past week, hubs has been putting the keys back in. Once they are in, he plans to put a layer of self-leveling epoxy over them to create the desk top.
You can see that the black keys don’t rise above the white like you usually see on a piano keyboard. That will make it easier for the epoxy step.
Meanwhile, I have this entire box of piano hammers to play with. Don’t expect to see anything too soon. I’m still thinking of ideas.
Any ideas? I’m gathering them, so let me know if you have an idea.
The Weekly Wilbs
Yes, our tree is still up, and yes, I know it’s almost the end of January, but it’s still green and pretty. Wilbs was sitting in the sunshine, pondering the backyard views and I thought it would make a nice photo.
Thursdays at Pieceful Thoughts – time to reflect and enjoy the little things in life. What about you? What have you been enjoying this week?
Stop by tomorrow, by the way. I’ll be sharing a quick little tutorial on sewing improv wavy strips. Hope to see you then!

SAHRR Round One
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Cindy Pieters
The piano desk is going to be a beauty when finished! No ideas for the hammers at this time.
Nancy Bekedam
I thought it was a Viking cow!?! Lovely view for you and Wilbs! Thanks for the piano desk update–so interesting!!!
Aww, Mr. Wilbs looks so cute 🙂
Ooooh, it looks so cool in your part of the woods (it is 40 degrees C here). I especially enjoyed reading about the view from your quilting room.
Vicki in MN
The piano desk is looking good. I don’t know how big those hammers are but could you make a clock with them as the numbers? Big J’s photo cracked me up, Texas or NM?
OMG that cow photo it does look very strange and why put the lamp in front of it like that LOL. I have no idea on the piano parts looks like they could be turned into something but it will take a more creative mind than mine 🙂
Barbara J Stanbro
Fun seeing those views. When we stayed at a motel in Yakima, we had a demon cow in our room too. Maybe it’s a thing now. Good luck with your bread. Banana bread sounds good right now, but I think I’ve blown my diet enough over the past month.
The Joyful Quilter
You and Wilbs both have beautiful views to enjoy. Nice progress on the piano desk, BigJ!!
Rochelle Summers
So enjoyed your blog post and the photos. If the tree is still green and not in the way, keep it up. My wreath is still up on the front porch. It’s so green my husband thought it was fake! Those piano hammers are interesting. Wish I could think of a way to use them. Have a great week.
Cocoa Quilts
The work on the piano is going well. I can’t wait to see the next steps. Piano hammers, who would have thought.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
A piano hammer would probably make the perfect wind chime knocker, but that only uses a single hammer!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Sweet Wilbs is having a reflecting day all his own!! Thanks for sharing your progress with the piano desk, and all your pieceful thoughts!! I’m right there with you on the smell – still don’t have mine totally back after four months! But it’s better!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
It’s good to celebrate the little things! Love your view out the sewing room window! And the demon cow is hilarious! (My first thought, like yours must have been, was “What on earth?!) Banana bread sounds yummy, although I’m sorry you’re still struggling with taste and smell. I was wondering the other day if that had gotten any better. A friend here had a positive Covid test a week ago or so, and she said that was one of the things that made her get tested – her taste and smell were off.
Cheree Hull
Ha! Yes, I was quite mooooved to laugh over the cow (sorry, had to!), and it was well-timed. Just needed a smile today. No worries on the tree–our stair rail and top of china hutch still have garland and lights because I want them to, and that’s that! LOL. They’re cheery. Whatever floats your boat, ya know? The piano hammers have me thinking….a baby mobile was all that popped in my head. Something that would use lots of them…. Garden markers… Well, I’m kidding really. No idea. You know how it used to be funny to “pink flamingo” or “fork” someone’s yard? Maybe a musician would see the humor in “piano hammering” their front yard? Ok, well, my humor is all off today as you know. LOL. That’s all I got!
Hi Wendy! Ooh, tips on your wavy border?!! I’m looking forward to that. I have been thinking about your borders since you shared them on Monday. I wonder if you go about it how I imagine you do?! I guess I’ll see tomorrow. That cow photo with the lampshade!! Love it. Wilbs – what a great shot with the snowflake ornament in the foreground. I’ll have to think about the piano hammers – I didn’t even know that’s what they were called. I’ll have to read your comments to see what suggestions you’ve received! {{Hugs}} a bunch for you. ~smile~ Roseanne
It does look like a demon cow! lol I love how the piano desk is coming along. I can’t wait to see what happens next. Oh, those hammers – you have to do something with them!
Sandy Panagos
I think Nancy Bekedam is right – it has to be a Viking cow! I enjoy your Thursday posts.
I just went over to Pinterest and typed in “piano hammers.” I think you’ll be astounded at all the creative things people have done with piano hammers! I think you’ll be able to take your pick from projects.
Kathleen McCormick
That photo is hysterical! I love your view from your sewing room…so nice to have something beautiful to rest your eyes on. That bread sounds yummy…can’t smell it here, but I wish I could. Oh, and the desk is coming along nicely. The piano hammers are beautiful – no ideas there – but I am sure you will find plenty.
OK the cow for some reason reminded me of Ghengis cow. Great views from your sewing room. I love the views from mine, my favorite is the old oak tree. The bread sounds yummy? Still having sniffer problems after COVID? One of my friends suddenly has developed a problem with any types of scents since she had COVID. They actually make her sick to her stomach and give her migraines. Can’t wait to see the piano desk.
Sue H
Love your Wilbs! Glad he’s keeping a lookout for you while you sew. Who knows what those pesky birds might be up to! Ha!
Carol Andrews
Wendy Wilbs must be watching for squirrels to keep them from tempting you! I laughed out loud looking at the Demon Cow. K & D thought I was nuts until I showed them the photo. Banana Bread sounds yummy and the piano desk is coming along beautifully. The view from your studio is wonderful.