Time to Catch Up
It’s time to catch up with some of my to do projects now that the challenge quilt is done (reveal on August 1st) and I’m close to moved in to my new quilt room (post coming soon!). I’m joining in with Quilt Schmilt for the To Do Tuesday linky party today. Taking time to catch up also means I need a to do list, and the weekly post helps me stay on task – maybe – heh heh.
I recently posted a little diversion (aka squirrel) that popped into my quilt room while I was trying to finish up the challenge quilt. The Sylvie Tote by Sotak Handmade – you can see my version here. I took the remainder of that yellow print fabric, and put it with a light blue Essex linen. I had just enough of the print to make one more bag with the addition of the linen.

All stitched up, it looks like this.

It’s an easy bag to make, no pockets or zippers, just a simple tote. This would be a perfect bag to make if you have never made a bag, but want to. (I have no affiliation to Sotak Handmade; I just like her patterns!)

Measuring 12″ x 14-1/2″ when finished, it is a great bag for toting books, knitting, quilt projects, anything you like to stash in a bag. I gifted this bag to a friend. I hope she enjoys her tote!
Okay, back to my to do list. Now that the challenge quilt is done, I need to get caught up on some of my monthly sewing projects that have been getting no attention. Of course, I’ve been playing with some new projects, too, now that the quilt room is finished. I’ll show you one of those soon, too. This week, though, it’s time to catch up with:
- Finished my June Tuxedo Tale’s block
- Starting my July and August Tuxedo Tale’s block
- Getting caught up on my Dreamlines units
- Finish a baby quilt for a gift
- Continue to move into my quilt room
- Take photos for a Quilt Room post
That should keep me out of trouble, don’t you think?
Speaking of trouble (a fun kind of trouble, though) there is a new kid on the block . . .

Our son got a kitten. Her name is Taro. Tundra has a playmate! He is both very excited to have Taro to play with, and puzzled at why this little furball is always around. Taro is quite a little spitfire, not at all afraid of Tundra, until he barks or flops down in his play pose (you can see that pose here). So that’s been another diversion in the midst of all the other fun stuff!
I hope you all have a wonderful week catching up on your projects as well!

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To Do Tuesday #28
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Barbara J Stanbro
What a sweet kitty. Geez. I almost forgot how close we are to the reveal day on our challenge quilts. For some reason, I had the reveal about six weeks away. Mine is ready, but thanks for the reminder. Your bag turned out very cute.
I love the Tote bag, it’s very stylish. New mitten is chocolate box pretty. Glad they are getting on well together.
Sounds like you’ve gotten a lot done lately, Wendy! That’s a great bag! I should take a look at her patterns – I’m always seeing good ones that other people have made. Looking forward to your quilt room reveal! The kitten looks like a cutie!
Another gorgeous bag. It makes me want to also make one… But I shall not be distracted! Looking forward to your new quilt room post. Cute kitten. Assume that Wilbur hasn’t met Taro
Yes, stay on track.. a never ending travel. But you have a perfect highway now at home to stay on the road… lol…not closed because of „under construction“, good coffee next by and cool drinks if you need. May be a real good relaxing chair for a nap next to your fabric?
If it is to hot the energy we have is low, so take your time.
How nice is this white little cat… it will be interesting in the future.
Your tote is a good example that we should all honour the things we can sew easily, we can use every day and have sarisfaction because of „done“ and have no additional UFO.
Very good inspiration and as always, colours in harmony. Thanks for sharing!
Stitchin at Home
Taro is a cutie! Another lovely tote.
That bag turned out cute too! I really love that fabric. You got me started on a squirrel with that last bag. I ended up buying some webbing on Etsy, and all the pieces are cut and waiting for me to finish. Little Taro kitten is adorable! Why did I think Tundra was your daughter’s dog?
And Wilbs? He’s also thrilled with the kitten?
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Love your color blocking on the bag, Wendy!!! Cute new kitty family member!!!
I like the tote bag!
Rochelle Summers
Oh, those squirrels! Love the bag and the colors. You have quite a list going. Looking forward to the post on the challenge as well as the quilting room. That kitten is so cute. Is the trampoline for you or the dog/cats?
Your tote turned out great. I really like Svetlana’s patterns too. I’ve made a LOT of them!
The Morning Latte
What a cute kitty! That is a lovely bag (great fabric choices)–I always like a separate piece for the bottom/base so you can put something more sturdy there. Great pattern for sure.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
What a delightful diversion! Taro looks perfectly at home already. 🙂
Kathleen McCormick
Love, love, love that bag. Diversions are a good thing and I always chuckle that you sneak a few in. Taro is adorable and I hope Tundra and Taro become besties as time goes on. Probably good that Tundra has already been trained, somewhat, by Wilbur! Looking forward to all your great posts that are coming up.
laura bruno lilly
The bag is tres chic. Your squirrels always get caught and ‘finished’ so quickly!
I, too, am looking forward to your upcoming posts. Stay cool.
Quilting is in my Blood
I love your diversions! Oh my goodness, Taro is cute fluff ball! Tundra is no longer a puppy!!!
Jocelyn Thurston
So many wonderful things, Wendy! I adore that combination of certain yellow and a certain grey. Your bag is simply wonderful, you clever thing ( am I allowed to say that these days?). And look at that tiny little kitten and beautiful Tundra. Adorable.
That bag turned out beautifully! I’m trying to decide on gifts for the girls that helped grad girl move. Cloth shopping bags may be just the thing. Very cute kitten, she does look a bit lost in that photo. Good luck with this week’s to do list.
Vicki in MN
Oh boy just look at the fur on that little one!! Cute tote using three colors on the outside.