To Do Tuesday #11
Last week, my tasks were simple. To finish my to do list from the week before. There were two things on my list – bind Mt. Hood and sew the borders on my Minnesota Mystery quilt. I had all good intentions, I really did, but . . .
A little squirrel dropped by, and completely distracted me. We’ve had a delightful visit, while he ate his orange and I played with green strips. Here’s a little peek.
I am enjoying the inspiration I’m finding in this book. My improv triangles was part of a sew along from this book, and are waiting their turn. I’ll be finishing that soon.
So the quilting binding and borders were ignored. (In my defense, it should be noted that two of my quilts were sent out to be quilted by Connie, so there’s that.) Since I seem to be motivated by improv, this week’s list will be:
- Quilt the improv project
- Bind Mt. Hood
- Finish Minnesota Mystery borders
- Finish Improv Triangles top
That list should be easily done as long as I stay focused. You know how well I do with that!
I hope you enjoyed my To Do Tuesday #11 post; hop on over to the linky party at Home Sewn by Us and see what the others have accomplished. We love comments and encouragement (and squirrels, now and then).

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You have piqued my curiosity with that peak at your improv curves and green strips.
Binding a quilt is always a bind. One has to be in the right frame of mind. Excuse the puns
Still teasing me with the green strips! I know only to well about squirrels. I’m in the midst of one now.
Louise Hornor
I think quilting squirrels are more important than ever! Glad you hear you are having a little fun. I managed to make 8 r/w/b string blocks over several days. They are so satisfying, but such a mess to make. Stringsplosion! 🙂
Wilbur looks like a sweetheart! Glad your squirrel friend dropped by to ease your isolation. Did you give him a whole oranges? I bet our squirrels would like a change from raw peanuts.
I like the peek at your green improv strips!
Vicki in MN
And you’re going to just leave us hanging for a whole week while you have fun LOL!!!!!?
Nancy Bekedam
Well, that squirrel really upped the to-do list for this week!
Cheree Hull
Though I’m super busy, I feel a lot like Wilbur! Good luck with your to-do’s!
My Sewful Retirement
Wilbur is a cutie ♥ Are those orange peels — the sneak peak? Improv triangles sound like fun can’t wait to see what you come up with!
that looks like my kind of book. Wilbur is the spokesmodel for boredom.
Isn’t that the truth about isolation boredom. I almost always cook at home, but I’m finding myself craving dinner out in a restaurant…mainly because I can’t go right now. I’m curious to see what you’re going to do with your improv triangles. As you know, I have a few triangles myself.
Hi Wendy! Ah, yes. Wilbur’s picture pretty much sums up how we feel around these parts, as well. Stretch! Yawn! Flip through the TV guide to decide there’s nothing to watch. Good thing we normally work outside the home during the day because there’s nothing to watch! Your green strips are quite compelling – I can’t wait to see what they are when finished. Good luck on your list for this week and thanks for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne
Quilting is in my Blood
The pics of Wilbur and the squirrel made my day! I’m very excited to more of your green stripes improv project.
Thanks for giving me the guilts-you know we feed our squirrels with the wonderful nuts we get at the outlet store-never thought of giving them Cutie oranges-which we have sitting on our counter. Don’t tell them!
Diann Bottrell
Your picture of Wilbur made me laugh out loud!!! And I say, chase those squirrels! Let’sxenable each other right now… But I sure am looking forward to seeing the whole thing. 🤗
Love the photo of the squirrel
You got a really good photo of the squirrel and his tangerine.
Can’t wait to see the green improv!
Your green strips look great! I am eager to see more! As one who is always distracted by the squirrelly new project ideas, I think following your heart in creativity is just fine 🙂
Carol Andrews
Your squirrel did bring some bright inspiration to use those vibrant greens in your improvpiecing. Can’t wait to see the finished project. Just, please keep those squirrels at your place. I have looming deadlines and the Covid Brain Fog isn’t totally cleared up yet! 😉 Carol
Kathleen McCormick
Well, I think due to the mood you have to go where the muse leads you! Good for you for following what you want. I really gotta write a pattern when I get back, so it will mostly be masks on the sewing side although I could do a binding too….we’ll see. Meanwhile, hope you find your groove this week to get done what you want!