To Do Tuesday #13
I had a pretty lengthy list last week. Let’s see how I did.
- Bind my oldest UFO (it’s vintage!!) – Not Done
- Bind Juggling Act quilt – Done!
- Work on challenge quilt due May 1st – In Progress (finally!!)
- Finish improv triangles – Done!
- April Churn Dash blocks – Not Done
- April Color Challenge Block – Not Done
Boy, that really doesn’t look like I’ve accomplished much this past week. The improv triangles top is done, and now it is waiting to be quilted. Piecing the top together took time, since it’s a bit like piecing a puzzle, figuring out how the units will go together. So that took much of my time this past week.
Another little diversion lately is a fun little challenge I’m doing on Instagram. It’s called the 100 Day Project. Each day for 100 days, I’m making one of these little 3.5″ plus blocks. I’m doing this to keep me focused on positive things and thoughts while going through the quarantine. I’m enjoying making the blocks and staging them for my IG posts. You can see them all on my feed (@piecefulwendy).
I’m also working on the challenge quilt for The Endeavourers, a group of quilters who make a challenge quilt each quarter. Each challenge quilt has a theme. This quarter, the theme is “scene from a book”. I’m happy that I have finally settled on something; it’s due May 1st!
Setting a to do list each week has been helpful for me while being sheltered at home. If I’m feeling unmotivated, the list helps me focus on one project and move it forward. Here’s my list for this coming week:
- Finish the Challenge Quilt
- Finish April Churn Dash blocks
- Finish April Monthly Color Challenge Block
- Finish March and April Deli Geese blocks
I think this will be a good list for this week. Having the blocks of the month to work on in between working on the challenge quilt will be a good way to break up the work. If I get all of that done, I can always bind that vintage UFO.
Do you use a to-do list as you sew during the quarantine? Do you find it helpful?
Happy sewing today, my friends! Thanks for taking the time to read my To Do Tuesday #13 post. Aren’t you thankful we have our crafts to keep us busy while we wait out this pandemic? Stay home and stay healthy!

Mount Hood Quilt

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Hmmm I’m still waiting for the vintage quilt photos and now it’s only a maybe finish. 🙂
Your Plus blocks are looking good. Writing out a to do list each week does help me focus. I’m bad about getting too many projects in the works, so nothing ever gets done. Good luck with this week’s list.
Melody Kunde
I enjoy all your blogs, Wendy. You get so much accomplished! I finished my goal for the winter, which was a quilt for both of my granddaughters and a baby quilt for my great granddaughter, arriving in July. Now that I’m finished with those, I still want to do more so….we’ll see what I come up with!
I’m not finding a list helpful at all, I just do what I feel like doing – some days that is only quilting in the evening and no sewing in the day time at all. I don’t want to focus on a list
I’m enjoying your IG challenge – you stage the prettiest pictures! I don’t write a list, but when I start a new project I draft a blog post about it and add to it as I progress ( or not!) This helps me keep track of fabrics and patterns used, reasons I started it, links, etc. Right now I have a quilt due for a charity blog hop in May, and I still need to get it sandwiched and quilted. The deadline is looming and I’m dragging my feet!
Nancy Bekedam
I love your positive blocks!!! I have a “resolution quilt list” for the year, and that’s what I keep going back to. But there are plenty of squirrels that jump into my path!!!
I MUST have to-do lists! I have two. One is for the things I need to do and check off every single day and another list for the things that are the things I want to accomplish.
Needle and Foot
I am famous for making lists and not looking at them again…. Lately I am all over the map with projects, sewing, and packing orders for the shop. The day goes by so fast!!
I am loving your plus quilt – it will be such a cute quilt when you finish the 100 blocks. Great way to remember the strange times in 2020. 🙂
My Sewful Retirement
I love your plus sign blocks — what a positive vibe and great way to remember the crazy time of 2020! I’m actually loving working with a list — I like being competitive with myself. I still have days where my mind wanders onto new ideas…but I’m learning to write them down on my list and prioritize from there.
laura bruno lilly
I like how you write ‘Done!’ after your list items…I might do that instead of my checkmark, ‘done’. Yours is so commanding, mine’s a bit whimpy…funny, eh?
You have alot of projects for sure, looks like you’re staying the course – go get ’em!
Rebecca Grace
I think you’ve accomplished plenty. If you broke what you did down into the different steps involved (cut, join, press binding strips, attach binding to quilt front, hand stitch binding to backing) instead of just putting “bind quilt” you would feel like you’d gotten more done!
Kathleen McCormick
Your plus blocks are so happy! It seems like the perfect time to do this, but my list was already out of control. I think I will aim for next year…put it in my planner to keep me thinking about it. Kudos to you for doing this. Look forward to hearing how your challenge turns the little peak I saw!
Sandra Walker
Lists are my life. Always have been; they help me big time! Every little bit in the accomplishment field is important and they do add up.
Cocoa Quilts
I love those little 100 day blocks. You picked all my favorite colors so far!!!1
I’m loving your plus blocks. So cheery and colorful. I was reading some of the comments about lists. I used to write out goals each month, but then found myself rushing through the list as if my life depended on it. Now I just stick with a white board, mainly for organization, but also for some discipline. I just quit giving myself “deadlines.”
Diann Bottrell
Your plus blocks make a great daily project, and lovely photos for the rest of us to look at each day, too! I can’t wait to see more about your improv triangles, top. I should really get that book, as I love playing with improv, but attempts on my own are often less than satisfying, lol! Have a great day, Wendy!
Vicki in MN
I still don’t know about the list making, but I’ll keep trying. I can get side tracked easily now that I am at home and have everything at my fingertips! I like flying by the seat of my pants LOL. I have noticed your cute photos on IG of the plus blocks:)
Hi Wendy! Lucky list #13 already. Wow – that time has gone by quickly. I can’t wait to see the improv triangle quilt top. I think you did such a nice job on those! Oooh, I didn’t know that those cute little plus-sign blocks were only 3.5″!! I think you really enjoy piecing when it is small, don’t you? They sure look cute how you staged them. Hmm, now I’m wondering what you are going to do 100 of them . . . can’t wait to see! I also cannot wait to see your “scene from a book” block/piece. Good luck with your list and thanks so much for linking up! ~smile~ Roseanne
Wendy, you got some things done, progress on others … good for you!
Pat yourself on the back!
Quilting is in my Blood
All those plus blocks look so great together. I just love the staging of your blocks and quilts. You definitely have a talent there!
Hi Wendy!
What a good idea to make a list of Fun things to do rather than chores and such! But, I am such a deeply sequential person, that I think I would only ever have one thing at a time on my list. (However, I DO like your one block a day for the 100 day project. I’m IG, too. I started falling you! I’m @josephina.ballerina) Today I started quilting my Endeavourers challenge quilt. That is until a new bobbin totally screwed up an entire line that I now have to rip out. Dang good thing I like quilting or I wouldn’t do it for love nor money!
See you on IG, xoxo, maureen
Louise Hornor
What cute little plus blocks! When it comes to quilting, I’m not a list maker at all. My method is usually to just work my way through the stack on the bed, digging down to the bottom until it’s all finished 🙂
Carol Andrews
Love those plus blocks. Good luck with your list. It looks totally doable. 😄 Carol