To Do Tuesday #23
Let’s take a look at my list from last week:
- Final decision on challenge quilt and get to work
- Finish blog hop projects and take photos
- Make a list of projects I still need to post
Challenge Quilt -I have started on an idea for the challenge, so we’ll see if it works out.
Blog Hop Projects – No progress this week, but both projects are well underway, so I should have them done soon.
Post List – I still need to do this too. I have been sewing on projects behind the scenes, and need to review what I’ve done and what I should post.
Wilbur is the epitome of what happened at Pieceful Thoughts this weekend. The heat and humidity kept us from snoozing in the sun, but Wilbur thought it was a good thing. He napped in the window of sun; I napped in my chair.
So this week, I have a few things on my list to do:
- Keep working on the challenge quilt
- Bind quilts back from Connie
- Finish and mail pincushion
That’s a small list for my To Do Tuesday #23, but I’m keeping it light so I can focus on the challenge quilt. I hope you pop over to Home Sewn by Us and check out the others who have linked up.
I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable weekend!

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Here’s to another week, Wendy. You have piqued my curiosity with the mention of your “background” projects.
Cindy P
Naps are good especially when it’s so hot. Have an enjoyable week!
Lol on Wilbur – he is so cute. We are buckling down here in Texas for extra heat the next week or so. I’m just biding my time until fall. 🙂
your to do list should include napping in the chair on the hot summer days 🙂
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Hope you had a great weekend! I love a nap in my comfy chair every day! I’m looking forward to seeing the challenge quilt project and what you’re doing for the blog hop, too.
Vicki in MN
Last week just wasn’t the most productive for either of us! But we still moved projects forward a bit. Gotta remember to have fun too;)
Yeh the heat really takes a toll on us! At least Wilbur is enjoying it! Good luck this week!
Quilting is in my Blood
A pic of Wilbur and a fancy coffee. I’m all in!
Good luck with your challenge piece. I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Carol Andrews
I’ve come to the conclusion that naps are a necessity in these trying times! You and Wilbur have it figured out just right. Your background sewing and Challenge piece have me intrigued. 😉
Hi Wendy! I say keep it light every week. No need to stress over a darn list, and who doesn’t want to join Wilbur?!! He’s got a sweet vantage point right there in the window. I’d join him in a hot minute except for the laying in the sun part. Can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve! {{Hugs}} Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne
Mia is mine
You’re kitty looks so comfortable. I would love to take a nap there, too! I’m off to visit your Tuesday To Do #9 – it looks cool!
Louise Hornor
I love Wilbur’s sleepy, contented face. Around here, napping is always on the to-do list! Except DH calls it “resting his eyes” and refuses to admit he’s sleeping 🙂
Kate Swallows
Some weeks are just that way, not much happens. Good luck with this week’s to do list.
Sherrie Plummer
I got 2 of 3 done from my list last week…Wilbur looks so comfy there
in the sun…have a great day!
Kathleen McCormick
Wilbur is awesome and I am sure what you work on and share will be too. Have a good rest of the week!
Cheree Hull
Ha, I didn’t even bother posting my to-do’s this week. Holiday weeknd, heat, etc = not much progress! Wilbur is too fun!