To Do Tuesday #27
- Bind the Magnolia Mystery Quilt – Not Yet
- Bind the Freedom Quilt – Done!
Wilbur thought it would be good to show you a peek at the Freedom quilt. I hope to get a post written on this quilt soon.
Wilbur looks to small in that photo – he really isn’t, so it must be the camera angle. Notice how he matches the quilt. He matches so many things in our house, like the floor, our area rug, our stairs. But I digress . . .
The rest of the week was spent putting up blueberries and cherries. I took care of the blueberries over the weekend, finishing up with 40 quart bags of blueberries, each bag holding about 3 cups of berries. BigJ took care of the cherries today, finishing up with 43 pints of cherry sauce/pie filling and 11 quarts of brandied cherries. We had just enough room in our freezer for it all (except the brandied cherries, which are on my kitchen windowsill).
This week, I need to get back to my quilt projects. Here is my list for this week:
- Finish and mail pincushion
- Mail Freedom quilt
- Prep backing and binding for batik quilt
- Prep backing for Jewel quilt
- Finish 100 Day Project quilt top
- Sew Granny blocks
So my To Do Tuesday #27 post is short and sweet today, but my week’s list certainly isn’t. Pretty sure I can get it all done, though!
I’m linking up today with Roseanne & Sue at Home Sewn by Us. Stop over and say hi to them and take a peek at the rest of the posts linking up!

Challenge Quilt Reveal

Freedom Quilt
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Yes, Tuesdays do roll by at an alarming rate. Looking forward to seeing the front of the Freedom quilt — I wonder if Wilbur matches that too! Strength with that long list
Cindy P
Tuesday again you say hmmm what happened to the other days.
I admire that you are doing binding in the summer. I just can’t face being warmer than I am already! Wilbur is adorable!!!
Vicki in MN
I always wonder how the heck does the week go so fast whether I am busy or not! At least I know where to find blueberries should I need some, LOL That’s a whole bunch!!!
and here I was thinking you had gotten a new cat! at that angle Wilbur looks small – that a lot of blueberries and cherries. I was just telling Mike this morning that we might need to get another small freezer and put it in the workshop – we do not have room for a large freezer and after picking up beef from my brother yesterday and will be watching for all the meat sales to restock we will be full once again
Sandra Walker
Wow that’s a ton of fruit!! Love the peek of your Freedom quilt, especially with Wilbur. I have some mailing to get done too!
Quilting is in my Blood
That’s funny how the angle of the camera can make the subject look so much smaller or bigger. Your Freedom quilt binding looks good especially with Wilbur posing on it. You’ve got quite the list for next week. Wishing you a productive week to come, Mary.
Nancy Bekedam
You are one busy gal! Can’t wait to see that 100 blocks top!
I think Wilbur is appreciating how well those colors go with his lovely furs.
The weeks sure seem to fly by. That’s a lot of berries!!!! And that backing fabric does look to be a perfect (purrfect?) match for Wilbur.
brandied cherries… I’ll be right over…
Kathleen McCormick
Congrats on the binding….and good luck with your week. You got the fruit covered, now back to your projects and you have quite the list. Good luck with your week.
Hi Wendy! Ahh, Wilber looks so cute sitting there like a nice kitty. And he does coordinate nicely with the quilt. Isn’t that the rule for your photo staging?! I would never expect him to clash with anything. You really rocked the cherries and blueberries so I wouldn’t expect much sewing would get done. Yay for the binding! Thanks so much for linking up today. ~smile~ Roseanne
Wilbur definitely does match that quilt back – he probably thinks that should be the rule for everything in your house! I’ll enjoy seeing more about the Freedom quilt, and also your 100 day quilt top. I think your to-do list is going to keep you busy this week!
Faster? How can anything be faster??? I wish it was November already. Covid has made time move v e r y slowly. Wilbur is a darling. Wish you good luck in your projects. I am sure you will be quilting up a storm now that you are done with canning and preserving 🙂
Zenia Rene
That’s a long list! What does one do with brandied cherries? Do you ever sell any?