
To Do Tuesday 37

Today for my To Do Tuesday 37 post, I have a finish to show you. I’m linking up with Home Sewn by Us – Roseanne and Sue do such a great job of encouraging us to stay on task, don’t they?! Thanks, Roseanne and Sue!

How did last week go? Well, I helped my daughter clean and pack up her place and moved her home.

Since our daughter has moved home with us temporarily while she finds her own place, we needed to do some adjusting to fit her and her things in. So I cleaned my spice cabinet, my fridge, and my linen closet. Then, for fun, I made bread for the first time in ages. Clearly, I was having a bit of issue staying on task with my sewing time, but for good reason. 

While all that was going on, I finished my GW quilt top – yippee! 

To Do Tuesday 37 - My finished GW quilt - piecefulthoughts.com

I enjoyed the entire process of making this quilt. I learned some things: 

  • I cannot talk with friends while sewing and keep my seam allowances even
  • I should square my blocks as soon as they are done, so I don’t forget

All of the blocks are made from my scraps. The background fabric was purchased. One of the background strips in the photo reads yellow – it isn’t. All of the strips are black & white, except for one that is deep blue/navy and white. I’ll write a more in-depth post about this quilt soon with better quality photos.  

My other task for this past week was to finish this cute table runner test for Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting. 

Here A Gnome, There A Gnome, quilt pattern designed by Vicki's Crafts and Quilting - piecefulthoughts.com

The pattern is called Here A Gnome, There A Gnome, and you can read about my version right here

This week I’ll be playing a little catch up. Here’s my list: 

  • October and November Churn Dash blocks
  • Deli Geese blocks
  • 2020 Monthly Challenge Block
  • Test Quilt 

I’ll probably find a few other diversions along the way, as usual, but it should be a good week! 



  • Vicki in MN

    Aren’t you just tickled pink to be done piecing GW. Kudos to you for seeing it through. I wouldn’t have been so disciplined!!

  • Riceford Streams

    Wow, your GW quilt turned out great! My brain starts to hurt just imagining how to assemble it. That’s a great way to use your stash, too. You’re doing well using what you have this year.

  • thedarlingdogwood

    Gypsy Wife looks amazing!!!!!!!!! Love it, and can’t wait to see some detailed photos. Makes me want to start my Jen Kingwell quilt, but I’m waiting until 2021, or at least until my winter break off from work. Also, mmmm bread! My husband got on the bread baking kick during the pandemic and it’s been lovely to have homemade bread fairly regularly.

  • Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts

    First, I have to ask – is your daughter living in the linen closet while she’s home?! 🙂 Or maybe the spice cabinet? (Although having cleaned out both of those areas in my house fairly recently, I do know how clogged up with old stuff they can get!) Gypsy Wife looks just wonderful! I love the scrappy look of the blocks with those consistent stripes.

  • Needle and Foot

    Hahaha – great post Wendy and I had the same questions as Diann! So funny. But nothing nicer than a few closets and such all clean and organized. GW is amazing – not something I would attempt but wowza!! So cool. We bake and eat far too many carbs since this whole pandemic thing happened. Yesterday Ray made sourdough biscuits and I fully plan on enjoying one for breakfast. So good!

  • Rochelle Summers

    That GW quilt looks nice. Can’t wait to see it quilted (I’d be quilting by checkbook…LOL). Don’t know which is cuter — the table runner or Wilbs!! Bread making is always great. It satisfies in so many ways…touch, smell, taste… and gives a chance to think.

  • rl2b2017

    Hi Wendy! I love that GW is finished but even more, I loved that you learned a few things about yourself in the process. I can talk and sew a quarter-inch seam allowance but I cannot talk and buttonhole/applique at the same time. Squaring blocks right away? Well . . . I don’t enjoy doing that so I do it whenever I feel like it. HAHA! That may be right away or when I have to. How does Wilbs feel about Molly being around? I suspect he adores her and is getting loads of attention. Thanks for linking up this week! ~smile~ Roseanne

  • Julie Holleran

    How wonderful to have your daughter home with you with the Holidays coming up!;)))
    I will miss our family gatherings this year for sure..maybe a couple zoom meetings will fill the bill for us…
    I love your Gnome runner–so darn cute…hugs, julierose stay safe now…

  • txquiltgal

    Your Gypsy Wife quilt is beautiful! I’m looking forward to your in-depth post about it. I’m glad Wilbur approves of your table runner. How nice of you to share space with your daughter. I’m sure you will enjoy that time together, especially with homemade bread!

  • Preeti Harris

    You completed this gorgeous flimsy while the bread was in the oven!!!! Aren’t you the ultimate superwoman 🙂 Wilbur is a darling and reminds me of Jonesie 🙁 The gnomes are too cute. Have a great weekend, Wendy.

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