To Do Tuesday 43
Why the delay? Why did we wait so long? There is a tradition in the Pieceful Thoughts house.
In keeping with the tradition of my mother while I was a kid, no decorations or tree goes up until after my birthday. We had a nice quiet celebration on Saturday. I even snuck in a little quilting, which I’ll show you in a minute.
My to do list for the past week was all about the Christmas quilt secret project. I was waiting on some fabric. I’m happy to say that it arrived, and it’s exactly how I hoped it would be – yippee! Now I just need to sneak in the sewing time when I can. I’m so excited to finish this and gift it, and I can’t wait to show it to you after the holidays. I don’t even have any sneak peeks to show you, sorry!
Other than secret sewing, I managed to cover my pressing table.
I had initially planned on using this bold canvas print for a bag, but when the fabric arrived, the design was too large and would get lost in a bag. Then I saw that it would work for the table, and it blends well with the colors in my sewing room. It just makes me happy to see it when I walk in.
Okay, back to the gift my two kids gave me – a fat quarter bundle of The Blue One by Marcia Derse, along with a yard of one of the fabrics.
I didn’t plan to post this photo, so the fabric doesn’t look great with the new pressing table fabric in the background. The Marcia Derse fabric is so vibrant and pretty. Usually I would keep this fabric for awhile and admire it. Not this time – the fat quarters are all cut up, and some piecing done. I’m goofing around with this fabric, and I’m hoping it turns out okay. More photos soon.
Holiday Tales & Traditions Blog Hop
Bernie over at Needle & Foot is hosting this fun blog hop, and it’s happening tomorrow! Join me, along with Bernie and the others, as we share our Christmas Tales & Traditions. We all need some fun diversions from the craziness of this world right now, so I hope you stop by for some enjoyable reading!
Well, that wraps up this lengthy To Do Tuesday 43 post. I’m joining up with Roseanne and Sue from Home Sewn by Us for their To Do Tuesday linky party. I hope you stop by and check out some of the others who join us each week!
Oh – but wait – my to do list for this week!
- Keep working on the Christmas quilt
- Start constructing my challenge quilt (due February 1st)
- Finish playing with the birthday fabric 🙂

Holiday Fun
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Oh Wendy I love the fat quarter of fabric you received! What fun. I have a fat quarter or maybe two that I need to look for a new quilt to make with it. I even made a couple of aprons, now that was something new for me since I started quilts. I think I need to work on a few more little projects. It was actually fun to make something different! All your post inspire me to do new things! Thanks for posting all your ideas! Merry Christmas to You and your Family! 🎄🎁🎄
Love your new fabric and you did a great job on the cover as well (love that fabric). Have a safe and happy week!
Quilting is in my Blood
It sounds like you had a nice birthday weekend with your family. Your re-covered pressing table looks great, and I love the fabric that your kids gave you.
Stitchin at Home
Love those fat quarters! Have fun playing with them! Nice to see Wilbs helping out by holding down the boxes.
The birthday tradition is a nice plan, and I’m glad you had a good celebration. Wilbur alone should be more than enough gift for you. 😉 Pretty fat quarters and love that ironing board color.
Katherine Duquette
Happy wonderful birthday and a super year ahead. My parents didn’t decorate until my brother’s birthday on the 19th. Those blue fat quarters are inviting. Something in the picture behind the fabric says HI. I just had to enlarge the picture to admire the prints!!
Stay warm and sneak in the quilting.
I love that your mother wanted to have your birthday celebration for before Christmas decorating began making it a separate event – my mother’s birthday was on the 16th and my brother’s the twins on Jan 1 – it always seems that their birthdays got caught up in Christmas and not separate as it should have been
Vicki in MN
I am a little jealous you get fabric as a gift! In all the years I have worked with fabric no one in my family ever gifted me fabric! How did they know which one to get or did you have it on the list? Happy Holiday decorating.
You are so good to always have your weekly sewing to-do list. I feel like I kind of go into the art room and say, “Hmmm… What shall I work on today…”
OMG – look at how cute Wilbs is. He just cracks me up!! Ooh, that fat-quarter and extra fabric is SUCH a nice and thoughtful gift. I can’t wait to see what you’ve enthusiastically started working on with this new fabric inspiration! That coupled with the secret sewing for a gift will both be fun to see. Thanks so much for linking up this week. I’m glad you had a wonderful birthday. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Happy Birthday, Wendy! Your kids did great with that fat quarter bundle – looking forward to seeing what you’re doing with it! I’ll look forward to that blog hop, too – always love those. Have a great day!
Diane Harris
Loving how you play with fabric!! Happy Birthday, dear friend – again. And, Merry Christmas too!
Cheree Hull
Aw, hope you had just so much fun celebrating your birthday! Fabric gifts rule! Now, if we staged every pic these blogs would take up our entire lives. Gotta keep it real some of the time! Oh, Wilbs! Bet you, like all cats, can’t wait till Boxing Day! It always amuses me that we could spend so much money on cat toys and trees etc but give ’em a free box and they’re entertained for hours, days even!
Kathleen McCormick
What great FQ bundle! I love the box that come with “to do Tuesday” on it (ha ha). Such fun seeing Wilbur’s bewilderment. I never decorate much before Advent 2 and this year is a total hot mess. Do we decorate in Medford? Probably…will be there for a snow day and we will celebrate with our son. Great choice for your ironing board.
laura bruno lilly
“It just makes me happy…”
“I’m goofing around with this fabric…”
“Finish playing with…”
Sounds like the perfect ToDoTuesday post IMHO!
I like that you wait until after your birthday to start up with Christmas. And Happy Birthday! If I didn’t say it already. I had a boyfriend whose little brother had a 12/24 birthday. They celebrated his birthday in December, but of course, it was hard not to be overshadowed by Christmas. So they also celebrated his half birthday on June 24th. I loved that. All your fabrics and sewing look good!
Rochelle Summers
Happy Birthday. So great to have a celebration this year. That fabric bundle is yummy! Though I had great intentions, my tree didn’t get decorated until Friday. I really love seeing all the ornaments from Christmases past. The photo of Wilbs was great. Look forward to seeing these secret projects you are working on!
I really like your pressing table fabric. your birthday fabrics are
really pretty. Have a great day!
Carol Andrews
Hi Wendy. Belated Happy Birthday and oh what a perfect, thoughtful gift to inspire you to have fun and play. It sounds like there is so much fun going on at your house right now 😉. Your pressing pad cover is perfect. Can’t wait to see your secret sewing projects and new challenge project as well. I think Wilbs is saying he needs to be sent to my home since he is happily sitting in the box! Thank you for sharing such a fun To Do post today. It just might help me get my sewjo back! 😉
Nancy Bekedam
Great tradition for your family to follow, Wendy, to give you a little honor!!! Smart idea to use the fabric where you can appreciate the large print. I can’t wait to see what you make out of the Maria Derse fabrics. You see, I just got the same fabrics! IDK what I’m going to do with them yet. They’re my first MD prints.
Hi Wendy,
My daughter’s birthday is Dec. 8. We’ve always made a point to not decorate until after the 8th. A few years ago (well, more like 8 years ago) she told everyone she worked with that they couldn’t decorate the office until after her B-day. The day after her B-day, she came into the office and her entire office space was wrapped. Each, pen, pencil, computer, keyboard and what not was wrapped individually … it must have taken them hours to do it. It took her awhile to unwrap everything … now she doesn’t say a word. 🙂
Happy Quilting!
Glad to read that the fabric arrived and wishing you many happy hours of secret sewing. I have fallen in love with the flower print — good idea not to cut up and use it as cloth so that you can admire it when you sew.
Louise Hornor
Wilbs in a box is the perfect top photo for a To Do post. All cats plan to sit in a box this week! Happy belated birthday! I know you’ll enjoy using your scrumptious blue gift 🙂
I love Wilbs in the box! I am also a December birthday (9th) but I associate Christmas decorations with my birthday, so we don’t wait to decorate. (Honestly, if I’m going to put the work in, I want them up for more than two weeks!) I love your pressing table, great use for that fabric! And happy belated birthday!!!