To Do Tuesday 45
January 12, 2021
To Do Tuesday 45 is my first weekly to do post for 2021. I’m linking up with Roseanne and Sue over at Home Sewn by Us for this fun weekly party, where we share our weekly lists and encourage each other as we work on them. Here’s my list from my last TDT post:
- Stay at Home Round Robin Project – This sew along started yesterday, and I’m still working on my quilt top. It’s going well! If you want to join in, more information can be found here. You can see my center block and links to the others participating here.
- Finish Challenge Quilt – due February 1st – I’ve made good progress on this, but not done yet.
During my break from posting To Do Tuesday lists, I was a little busy in my quilt room. From the left: Little Miss Sunshine, A Little Love, and Moody Blues.
For this week, most of my sewing will be on the Round Robin quilt, but I’ll also be working on:
- Finishing the Challenge Quilt
- Layout the Churn Dash blocks (my personal Block of the Month in 2020)
- Update my list of UFOs
That’s my To Do Tuesday 45 list. It should keep me busy. Thank you for cheering me on each week!

Stay At Home Round Robin

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A doable list Wendy! I am looking forward to see what you do for the round robin.
Nancy Bekedam
Those are some super fun quilt finishes you’ve had recently! I’m excited to see where you’re round robin is going!
nice projects! a lot of creativity in your house
Quilting is in my Blood
You do such a good job of finishing the projects you start. I tend to leave my smaller projects in UFO status unless there’s a deadline associated with them. I loved seeing Moody Blues again especially with the snow as a backdrop. Looking forward to seeing your Churn Dash layout. Have a great day, Mary.
Love seeing those finishes again! What is that pretty piece your pad is lying on?
Hi Wendy! You’ve made it to week 45 already. Wow, that time has gone past quickly hasn’t it?! I have GOT to get back to the SAHRR piece this weekend or else. I am looking forward to seeing your December churn dash blocks and then the final piece come together. Someday I’m going to make a CD quilt just because I like the block. Thanks so much for linking up today! ~smile~ Roseanne
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
You know I love “A Little Love!” I was just using your photo to count up how many HSTs I need to make using the background fabric. Easier than calling up the pattern, lol! Looking forward to seeing your next round on the round robin.
Rochelle Summers
I like those little quilts you worked on over the holiday. I’m looking forward to round one of the SHRR. Also want to see how you layout the Churn Dash. You showed such lovely blocks over the course of last year. Have you picked out a personal Block of the Month for this year?
Cheree Hull
Lovin’ the little finishes, esp the Valentine’s one. Lately I’m more and more excited about Valentine’s Day because of how it falls in that boring space after all the holiday decor is put away. Out come the reds and whites! Have a pile of fabrics pulled to make *some*thing but just not doing anything till after the cadet leaves (tomorrow). Didn’t even do a To-Do post today. I’m dying to sew and yet wanting to just enjoy family while they’re here. Good luck with your to-do’s. Have you shown the churn dash project yet? Watching the Round Robin from the side-lines!
Love that heart! This sounds like a very good list for the week. I need to spend some time on my round robin as well.
Great work on your last list! And this week looks very doable!
Round robin … yup … I need to work on it as well!
Happy Quilting! 🙂
Carol Andrews
Wendy your finishes are so pretty! Well done and good luck on this week’s list.
Love your projects Wendy!!!
Kathleen McCormick
You have been one busy cookie! I love what you have done and look forward to seeing your SHRRP! Hoping I can keep up with the move fun we will be having. Was thinking it wasn’t much then I looked when we arrived yesterday….YIKES!
You are brave to keep a list of your UFOs! Looking forward to seeing your challenge quilt and enjoy stitching the round robin.
Kathy Swallows
Very fun minis! Good luck with this week’s list. Hopefully you don’t find any unwelcome surprises when you update you UFO list.