To Do Tuesday 46
Finishing the Challenge Quilt
The challenge quilt is finished except for the handsewing on the binding. Here’s a little sneak peek, but I can’t show the quilt until the reveal on February 1st.
Why is it you never see those stray threads?? Anyway, this photo and the above photo are the only sneak peeks for now. I enjoyed this challenge very much, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with you.
Churn Dash Blocks Layout
My churn dash blocks are still in the bin. I needed to get my 2020 Monthly Color Challenge top sewn, so that took the place of the churn dash blocks.
Update My UFO List
This didn’t get done either. I hope to do this soon. There are a few small quilts that I need to decide whether I will finish them or not. Those quilts are pretty dated. Some could be updated, but some may just need to be let go.
This Week’s List
Part of the fun I’ve been having is working on the Stay at Home Round Robin quilt, and that will continue this week. You can see my quilt with its first border in this post.
I’m also working on the Project Quilting 12.2 challenge – fussy cuts, and that is almost done. I’ll be showing that to you soon.
I hope to layout both the Churn Dash blocks and the Deli Geese blocks this week so that I can begin piecing those quilt tops.
I have started piecing the Marcia Derse quilt top, and I may be able to finish that top as well. That quilt will have a new name soon.
That should keep me busy for the week.
I’m linking up today with Roseanne and Sue over at Home Sewn by Us. If you are looking for a way to be encouraged as you work through your projects each week, join up with this linky. It’s been very helpful to me. Thanks Roseanne and Sue!
Thank you for reading my To Do Tuesday 46 post and for encouraging me with your kind comments. It means so much to me.
Keep those stitches running!

Round Robin Border 1

Fussy Cut Cats
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Stitchin at Home
The sneak peak looks interesting! I better start on my project quilting project.
Quilting is in my Blood
I know all about noticing stray threads after my taking my pics! Your sneak peaks of your challenge quilt definitely have “peaked” my interest!
Katherine Duquette
Wendy, I can’t wait to see your challenge quilt reveal. I love green in quilts. A loose thread adds character to the design. Good luck on your list this week.
I always notice so many things after a quilt is quilted – one time years later I took a photo of a quilt and realized I missed a line of quilting in the design!
Nancy Bekedam
You make such cute headers, Wendy!!! Great job on getting the 2020 color quilt together! I’m looking forward to seeing your to-do projects!
laura bruno lilly
Can’t wait to see the Challenge Quilt reveal, the color-peek in the photos look fantastic!
BTW: don’t you just love those clips? The best thing ‘since sliced bread’ IMHO.
Excited to see your challenge piece. The time is drawing near. Mine is all ready, and I’ve written my post. Just waiting for the day now.
Cheree Hull
I think trimming threads is my least fav part of quilting! And I’m always in a hurry to get the finish pic so every one of mine shows threads. Every. Single. One. I’m behind on my emails/blog reading so I hopped over and looked at your RR–very cute. Love the traditional colors (and it should be great for July)! The black sashing and borders on the monthly color challenge really makes it pop! Good luck this week. I’m thinking it’s gonna be a good one!
Vicki in MN
Oh yes I seem to always see those stray threads in my Etsy shop photos too! Most of the time I catch before I post so I can redo the photo. A couple of times I have gotten a runner back from a craft show and see a long string where I didn’t bury it, OMG! Good luck on your list this week:)
Your sneak peak and piqued by curiosity. Looking forward to seeing your challenge quilt on 14 February. That’s a pretty hefty to do list that you have given yourself this week.
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I’m intrigued by your peek of the challenge quilt. Good luck with your list 🙂
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Looking forward to your challenge finish! Your layout for 2020 Color Challenge is great!
Oh oh, such a teasing! Can’t wait to see your challenge quilt! Great list, some projects to keep you busy 😉
Hi Wendy! Those first two photos are from the same piece?! I really cannot wait to see this challenge quilt. I adore those green fabrics with the yellow. I think it’s the LAW that every picture of a quilt has to have a stray piece of thread on it. I haven’t found out yet what happens if you don’t have the stray thread in the photo – and I doubt I ever will. HAHA! Of course, I’m also looking forward to seeing your churn dash quilt top since that was the inspiration for my center block in the SAHRR. Thanks for linking up today! ~smile~ Roseanne
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Your challenge quilts are always so interesting to see! Does your group do a link-up of all the different projects so the rest of us can see? I always enjoy those – like a blog hop. Good luck with your list this week – you have plenty to keep you busy!
Carol Andrews
I love the peeks you’ve given us of your challenge quilt. You have a great list this week and did so well on last week’s list. Looking forward to seeing your churn dash quilt finished. I think it’s my all time favourite block.