To Do Tuesday 48
Here’s my list from last week:
- Finish up Churn Dash blocks
- Layout Deli Geese blocks
- Finish Marcia Derse The Blue One (I really need a new name for this quilt)
- Write Endeavourers Challenge post
Churn Dash Blocks
No progress was made on these this past week. We’ll see if I can get something done this week, but it will take a backseat to other projects that need some attention.
Deli Geese Block Layout
I need to set the bin of these blocks out where I can trip over it as I’m going upstairs – LOL. That’s the only thing keeping me from getting this done, forgetting to bring it upstairs so I can lay them out. I wouldn’t want to have to go back down and get them – haha.
Marcia Derse Project
There are two things I need to do for this project. I need to finish sewing the blocks together to complete the quilt top, and I need to give it a new name. I should get this one done this week and hope to show you the top soon!
Endeavourers Challenge Quilt
The challenge quilt has been posted on the group site. I’ll be posting about it tomorrow, so stay tuned. It’s one of my favorite mini quilts I’ve made.
This Week’s Project List
I’m working on the third Project Quilting challenge. That will be my focus today. I’m hunting for a specific fabric in order to finish it, we’ll see if I find it. The challenge theme is Virtual Vacation – you can read the details here.
I’ve had some serious fun with this Island Batik Geared Up bundle. I need to give this black and tan squirrel a name, and decide on backing and binding for two of the projects, and decide if I’m going to make another project from the leftover fabric. This has been an enjoyable project!
I have a test quilt to get going, so that will be on my agenda this week, too. Can’t tell you anything more than that, but it’s a cute one!
My excuse for not getting much done this week was an impulse decision to take a little drive over the weekend. Here’s a little peek at some of the beauty we saw.
Thanks for cruising through my week with me in this To Do Tuesday 48 post. I’m linking up today with Roseanne and Sue from Home Sewn by Us.

Round Robin Border 3

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beautiful scenery! love a drive with clear roads also. Love the island batiks they are such pretty fabrics
Hi Wendy! You know, if you set that bin out where you can trip over it, Wilbs will be sitting in for sure. And he’ll expect you to carry him upstairs with the bin and Deli Geese blocks. Sounds like a win/win to me! HAHA! Wow, the roads were nice and clear for your road trip. I love how the snow is still on the trees. I can almost hear the solitude and peacefulness (not pieceful though). Thanks for linking up this week. You’re not late at all – it’s still morning on Tuesday. ~smile~ Roseanne
Hi Wendy! Your churn dash blocks are looking great!
Isn’t it funny (not) how something so simple, like going up/down a flight of stairs can make us uninspired to complete something? It happens to me … and my stuff is all in one room!!! Anyhow, hope you trip over your Deli Geese soon – but don’t hurt yourself! 🙂
Happy Quilting! 🙂
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Good for you guys – getting out for a drive! We’ve been in the mood for that, but haven’t done it yet. As for sewing – each little bit of progress counts, right? Looking forward to seeing your Endeavorers project!
Vicki in MN
A bit of a tease yourself!! I’ll watch for your post tomorrow;) No hurry on my testing you can even go into March. Have a productive and fun week!
Stitchin at Home
Ah some nice scenery! You just keep the snow south please, I only have a dusting of the stuff and that’s too much.
Kathleen McCormick
Distracted by a little trip away…that’s a good thing. Can’t wait to see some of these projects….Marcia and IB and the endeavor challenge….lots of fun coming up on the blog!
Such a pretty little drive you took. We had snow as well…but we’re out west. I love those churn dash blocks. Wishing you luck on all the projects on your list.
Cocoa Quilts
Little road trips on a clear road are always good!!
Cheree Hull
Beautiful scenery! Looking forward to getting out a little here. The black/tan batiks look cool–I always love that color combo. Good luck on your list. I’ll be watching for some magical progress and finishes!
Quilting is in my Blood
You’ve got some great projects going on. I’m definitely curious about the ones you alluded to with no details. I’ll look for your post tomorrow.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
What a beautiful view!! Looking forward to seeing your progress on your list for the week!!
Nancy Bekedam
I’m interested in seeing what you do for Project Quilting. I think Marcia Derse is a fine name for your quilt!
That snowy landscape is so pretty! I don’t miss the cold often, but I do miss the beauty of snow.
Rebecca Grace
Those churn dash blocks look fabulous and although I’m already shivering in North Carolina without any snow on the ground, I do wish I could see the fluffy white stuff through my window since I’m not going outside anyway! 🙂
Kathy Swallows
Sounds like a full and busy week of stitching. Hope you’ve been able to make good progress on this week’s list.
Carol Andrews
A drive in such beautiful country was perfectly necessary for mental health and sorting out your quilting plans, right? I love those batiks and your churn dashes are still tempting me to make some!