To Do Tuesday 55
- Find the Panel – Found!
- Work on Endeavourers Challenge Quilt – In Progress!
- Project Quilting 12.6 Challenge quilt – Done!
- Black & White Improv Quilt – No quilting yet
I found the panel, and I meant to take a photo of it this afternoon, got distracted, and completely forgot. I’ll show it to you soon. I was surprised to find that I had already added some borders to it, so I think I stalled out on the quilting way back when. It should be an easy finish for the end of April.
My quilt for The Endeavourers challenge is about 75% finished. I can’t even give you a sneak peek, although I really want to! I am having a blast with this one, and it’s finishing something I’ve wanted to get done for a long time. You’ll have to wait until May 1st for the reveal.
My Project Quilting 12.6 challenge was finished on time, and you can read about it here. It wasn’t my favorite PQ challenge, but it’s done!
While looking for that panel last week, I did manage to finish some small UFOs, so I thought I’d show them to you today. This first one took this long to get finished because I couldn’t decide whether it should be a pillow or a wallhanging. In the end, I opted for a wallhanging, because it’s easier to pack away.
I can’t even tell you what year I finished this, but I can tell you that I used fusible applique and Santa is still stiff as a board!. Notice that I actually did some free motion on this little number. It’s not great, but it’s done. I figured if I really did a terrible job on the quilting, I wouldn’t have to show it to you!
I do know that this was done back in my early days of quilting, so that satin stitch isn’t perfect. Santa’s eyes are made with a Pigma pen, and his blush is done by rubbing a pencil eraser in some powdered blush and then rubbing it on the fabric. It’s a slick little trick. I have an ages old blush compact that I keep in my quilt room just for this. This little quilt measures 8″ x 18″.
This next little UFO almost got tossed, but I realized it really would be worth keeping. It is my very first improv quilt. I think it is worth keeping because it reminds me of how far I’ve come.
That middle structure is supposed to be a house, in case you were wondering. I was particularly proud of how I managed to fussy cut that owl in the tree.
This quilt measures approximately 15″ x 20″ . I finished it with a plain tan backing (no photo) and quilted it with wavy lines. I’m not sure how I will use this quilt, but I’m thinking Wilbs might enjoy snuggling on it.
So with all that going on, what will I be working on this week?
- Finish Endeavourers Challenge quilt
- Quilt the Black & White improv quilt
- Decide how to quilt the panel quilt(s)
I’m linking this To Do Tuesday 55 post with ChrisKnits today for the To Do Tuesday linky party. Hope to see you over there!

PQ Challenge 12.6
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Lovely finishes! The UFO’s are getting their day, at the rate you’ve been finishing them lately they must be almost all done.
it is nice to get some finishes in!
Louise Hornor
Santa is quite stately! I think we all have some holiday pieces from our early quilting days that show our learning progress. Using your first improv as a little mat for Wilbur is a great idea. I just gave a similarly sized piece to some friends with a kitty, to use in their RV. It’s a great honor for any quilt 🙂
Kathleen McCormick
I love that you found UFOs and finished them while organizing! It is fun to see how far we have come! That Santa will hold up forever, I think, with that intense fusible and zig zag! Good luck with your week.
Nancy Bekedam
Interesting how you squeezed in some finishes while looking for your missing panel!?! The meandering on the santa looks great. And yes, love that owl!!!
Barbara J Stanbro
I love your little improv quilt. I wouldn’t have guessed it was a first try, and I saw the house right away.
Vicki in MN
I noticed that wise old owl perched up there so perfectly! Wilbs will enjoy keeping his eye on him I am sure, LOL.
Yes, yes, yes. You must keep a first.
I like your very first improv quilt. If you open my front door, that’s the type of chaos you will see. I LIVE in my home. The fussy cut owl in the tree is well done and I think the curvy lines add a bit more to the improv feel. I look at some of my earlier pieces and shake my head. I remember not knowing the first thing about quilting something but trying anyway. I bet it feels good to see those two pieces done. And you made great progress on your list.
Hi Wendy! I did notice the owl perched in the tree. I think the improv piece is fun as is the Santa. I can easily see how they distracted you! Good thing there’s still a month to go to select and finish a panel . . . ~smile~ Roseanne
I love your little UFOs! And good luck on your goals for this week! Thanks for linking up today!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
You’re on a roll, finishing up those older UFOs! I love Santa and the improv mini, too. The owl is perfect sitting right there. (And A+ on your creative introduction!:)
Carol Andrews
Wendy it’s fun to get sidetracked, especially when you end up with such sweet finishes. Love the quilting, the Santa and the improv piece with that cute fussy cut owl.
That improv quilt is quite fun!
Love your improv quilt! The owl … oh, the owl is SEW cute!!!
Quilting is in my Blood
It’s fun to see those older projects that you finished up. What a clever trick to add rosy cheeks and that fussy-cut owl is adorable. Looking forward to your Endeavors Challenge quilt and the panel you chose for the panel quilt.
Cheree Hull
Yay for finishing up UFO’s and the owl (and his surroundings) is adorable. You’ve had a good week :o)
Kathy Swallows
Sounds like you had a great week, even if you didn’t work on what was on the list. Love the owl in the improv quilt. It’s very cute, even it’s not perfect. Good luck with this week’s list. Happy stitching.
Oooh, how neat to see your first improv quilt! I love that owl! Glad you kept it!
Wow, a hat trick! Congrats on the three finishes. Surprising things always happen when one starts searching for something in one’s workroom, IMHO.