To Do Tuesday
Here’s my list from my last post:
- Get started on my Endeavourers Challenge quilt due May 1st – Finally started, way behind!
- Decide on pattern for the LQS challenge quilt due June 1st – I have a design in mind
- Finish binding WWoC project, take pictures and write post. Done!
I’m happy with my blog hop project now that it’s finished. I’d give you a sneak peek, but that would give it all away. You’ll just have to pop back here on Friday to see what I’ve stitched up! If you’d like to cheer on the others in the Hop, you can find the full schedule here.
I have finally gotten started on my challenge quilt. Since the theme is open this quarter, I can tell you that I am messing around a bit with some mixed textures and seeing where it takes me. One of those textured layers is used tea bags. Here’s a little peek.
I’m not sure where I’m headed with this quite yet, but just working on it so I am moving forward. The due date is May 1st, so I think I can get it done.
My other challenge quilt is on hold for a bit, so I’ll bring you up to speed on that when I’m working on it once again.
For this week:
- Finish quilt top for Saturday’s post – you’ll want to stop by and see it!
- Keep working on the challenge quilt
That’s it for this week’s To Do Tuesday list. I’m keeping it simple; that’s about all I can handle right now.
Happy stitching!

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Vicki in MN
Nothing wrong with keeping it simple, we all need that sometimes. Your tea bag project has my curiosity peaked!
Cindy Pieters
Tea bag project, I can’t wait to see it.
Barbara J Stanbro
That’s an interesting start to your project. Another friend has done some stuff with used teabags.
It won’t be long and you’ll have lots to show! That’s an intriguing peek at your challenge project with that interesting stitching. Looking forward to your blog hop post!
Judy K Blauer
Seems you have been busy! I’m going to check out the HOP! My progress this week was bits and starts! Not a finish at all!
Hmmm a tea bag project sounds quite mysterious! Looking forward to all your “showings”. 😀
Thanks for linking to To Do Tuesday!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Simple is good – at least for me! Looking forward to your Saturday reveal!
Kathleen McCormick
Looking forward to seeing your experiment grow and your hop blog on Friday. Wilbs looks great, so happy I bet since Thunder returned to his owner!
Rochelle Summers
I’ve tea dyed but never used the bag in a project. Saw a tutorial once and thought about it but just let it go. Wibs must have liked the sun too much to move to get it out of his eyes. His way works well.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I look forward to your WWoC and Saturday post! I hope you have a nice week.
The Joyful Quilter
Looking forward to seeing what you did with your Hop project and LOVE where you are headed with that challenge piece, Wendy!!
Hi Wendy! Keeping it simple – I’m right there with you. In fact, I’d rather be doing what Wilbs is doing . . . if we only had some sunshine. It’s a sparse commodity around these parts lately. I’m looking forward to both of your posts at the end of the week! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Good luck Wendy. Progress is progress. Way to go!
Looks like you are having a challenging time. Weak joke, sorry! Can’t wait to see your colour piece.