To Do Tuesday
Let’s take a look at my list from last week and check on my progress:
- Finish clearing alternate space for my sewing – not finished, but progress
- Finish cutting Firm Foundation blocks – Nope
- Photos of test quilt – Nope
- Queen of Gadgets project – thought I had this figured out, but nope. Back to the drawing board!
What Have I Been Doing?
Spending time with this fella! Our daughter’s dog, Tundra, came to visit for the weekend. He’s grown a bit since this post (he was so tiny!!) and generally makes himself right at home when he comes at our house.
Where’s Wilbs while Tundra visits? We give him his own space in our bedroom while Tundra visits. They get along for the most part, but Tundra is just too enthusiastic for Wilbs. Until Tundra settles down a bit, Wilbs prefers the peacefulness of a quieter space.
When Tundra and BigJ leave for walks and other adventures, Wilbs comes out to play – or finds trouble of his own . . .
He was on his way to try to check out that flower on the second shelf, which we put up there so he wouldn’t get into it. Ha!
So there was no sewing whatsoever this weekend, but I finished two (yes, two) books this weekend. This one was a fun read:
A couple travel to Lisbon. The morning after their arrival, the husband disappears. Alone in an unfamiliar city and little knowledge of the language, the wife has to find her husband. Things get a little complicated.
The other book was Sulfur Springs by William Kent Krueger. I’m now three books from being caught up with his series.
on Monday, I did have a go at my project for the Queen of Gadgets Blog Hop. Here are the fabrics I used.
Sadly, I’m not happy with the way the project turned out, so I need to rethink and try something else. The project is due at the end of September, so I have some time.
So my list is the same once again this week:
- Finish clearing alternate space for my sewing
- Finish cutting Firm Foundation blocks
- Photos of test quilt
- Queen of Gadgets project
Hopefully I’ll have some progress to show you next week!
looks like you will be busy with a big dog instead of “just” a cat – have fun
Cindy Pieters
I like the fabrics for the gadget hop. Did Wilbs get the plant?
Wow, Tundra’s grown! He’s part of the family when he feels that comfortable
Wilbur is entertaining as always!
Barbara J Stanbro
Looks like you’ve been busy even without sewing!
My husband and I laughed at Wilbs’ shenanigans! Wow Tundra is bigger than Boomer and so comfy at your house.
That top photo – gorgeous. Good luck on your project. I’ve got to get busy today on mine.
Oh, and thanks for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday
Vicki in MN
Tundra really has grown, is he fully grown now? He looks pretty comfy in that chair he claimed, LOL. I am sure you will figure out your blog hop project, you always come up with something fun!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Oh wow, Tundra has grown a lot! He looks so handsome and happy to be with you all. And Wilbs sneaking up to get into the cabinet made me chuckle. Good luck with a Queen of Gadgets project!
Isn’t it interesting that our four legged buddies will get to what we don’t want them to in spite of our best efforts? I like your fabrics for your gadget project. I hope you are able to reassess and restart on a project that makes you happier soon!
Kathleen McCormick
Tundra is much bigger! Funny how Wilbs and Tundra have it worked out. Wilbs is so clever wanting to go just where you put up obstacles to stop him. Good luck on your gadget project….love the fabric choices!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Pets are so full of personality and entertaining!!! I love the fabrics you’re working with–best wishes for your project. I started out as #324 in line for Krueger’s newest book, Fox Creek, just out. Audio version, btw, from our library app. Fortunately they added 48 more copies so I don’t have to wait until kingdom come! Now it’s saying 6 weeks wait.
Rochelle Summers
What a fun post. Tundra looks comfortable in thaat chair and Wilbs probably wanted to know how far up Tundra had gotten. If you couldn’t sew but got to read, that’s not a bad deal as far as I am concerned. That flower at the top is lovely and bright. What is it called?
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I had to click back to see puppy Tundra – he has really grown! I hope he’s been a good boy for you. I don’t blame Wilbur for needing some space! That fabric for the gadget blog hop is so pretty. Good luck getting your project figured out.
Tundra has grown – a LOT!!!! No wonder Wilbs wants his own space!
Good luck with this week’s plan!
Quilting is in my Blood
Tundra is gorgeous and BIG! I understand why Wilbs needs a little peace and quiet, so he can save up his energy for all his explorations! I look forward to seeing what happens next with your gadget blog project.
Whenever I read your to-do lists and progresses, I’m never sure whether I’m impressed and just wish I would do that or overwhelmed and am glad I don’t hold myself accountable for what I do/don’t get done! Hmmm… still waffling… I’d probably get more accomplished, but I do alright.
Jocelyn Thurston
Tundra is a beautiful boy but probably too rambunctious at this stage for Wilbs. It’s better they be given their own spaces. That’s a gorgeous photo at the top of your post…hibiscus? Meanwhile, good luck with sorting ideas, etc. for your next quilting project.
The Joyful Quilter
Awesome fabrics for the Gadget Hop, Wendy! Sorry to hear that you weren’t pleased with the project. Looking forward to seeing what you end up making!
I’m way behind you in the Wm. Kent Krueger series, and happy to be so. That means I have many more books to look forward to! I just received a signed copy of Fox Creek, his latest, which will go on the shelf. You might also like the series by Ivan Doig. He writes about the West in the 20th century.
Sorry the project didn’t work out, but I do really like the fabrics you chose for your first go.
The Morning Latte
Tundra is definitely no longer a puppy! Goodness! Sorry the project didn’t work out for you but the fabrics are very pretty! I’m sure you’re off and running with them now!