
To Do Tuesday

It’s Tuesday morning, and I’m late in getting my To Do Tuesday post written. I’m joining up with Texas Quilt Gal once again for her weekly To Do Tuesday linky party, to keep myself somewhat focused on the quilting projects I should be working on. Let’s see how I did on that this last week. Here were my two projects I was planning to work on: 
  • Cookie Exchange project – Done!
  • Firm Foundation blocks – nope! 

The Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange is just around the corner – how is that possible??!! November flew by for me – you too? 

The Virtual Christmas Cookie Exchange Blog Hop is coming soon - piecefulthoughts.com

My project for the Hop is done, so all that’s left is baking up some goodies, taking some photos, and writing the post. I cannot wait to show the project to you. I’m pretty sure it will make you grin. No more details for now – you’ll have to stop back and visit me on December 6th! 

I’m not getting the Firm Foundation blocks cut, mainly because there is no real deadline for this quilt, so it keeps getting pushed back while other little delightful squirrels come romping into my quilt room. I keep putting the blocks on my to do list, so that I don’t completely forget that I need to work on them. 

You might recall that reindeer I made from the Passport to Quilting bundle patterns. This is the Geo Reindeer pattern from Quiet Play. This week, I added some borders. 

Borders added to the reindeer, pattern by Quiet Play - piecefulthoughts.com

I’m planning to make a pillow, which is why I added the borders. I’m currently pondering whether to add some appliqué in the outer border, or just leave as is and let the quilting add a bit to it. Both ideas intimidate me, so I’m letting it brew on my design wall. 

Meanwhile, our quilt group Christmas party is coming up, and one of the items I wanted to bring was a Christmas block for the block drawing we’ll be having. The block needs to finish at 11.5 inches, which is not an easy size to find in a quilt block! I finally pulled out a book I’ve had on my shelf since my early years of quilting, Block Party by Marcia McCloskey. I found a block I’ve always wanted to make, but was far too intimidated by it way back when. 

Ringed Star, a block pattern from Block Party by Marcia McCloskey - piecefulthoughts.com

I had the fabrics I wanted to use, and I was pretty sure I could tackle this block now. I had to trace the templates from the book and cut the fabric – I had forgotten how long that takes! The green triangle is added to the red triangle first, then each point is sewn on, working your way around the center octagon. Getting those red triangles to intersect just right was a bit tricky, and there was some ripping involved! The block finishes at 9.5 inches, then I added a 2-inch border. My block is actually 12 inches, I purposely am leaving it that size so it can be squared by the new winner of the blocks. 

I also whipped up another little musical note; you can see the others I made for the Music Blog Hop here. My brother asked if I would make one for him to use in a gift, and I couldn’t refuse my favorite brother! I was surprised at how quickly I finished this one! Here’s an in-process photo. I added borders and binding, just like the other ones. 

Musical note, foundation paper pieced, pattern by Ginger and Jam - piecefulthoughts.com

This week, I need to decide on my center block for the 2023 Round Robin quilt along. I hope you’ll join us! 

Stay at Home Round Robin starts in January 2023 - piecefulthoughts.com

Quilting Gail has once again been working behind the scenes to bring us all together for another year. Choose a center block, then we’ll walk you through the border to add each week. We have some fun borders in the works, with some tutorials and lots of encouragement. You can see my past Stay at Home Round Robin quilts here and here. There is always a fun variety of quilts to see as we sew along together. You’ll note that my past two Round Robin quilts are distinctly different from one another. With this QAL, you can really have fun with the center block and the borders, making it uniquely your own. This year, I’m once again pondering something a bit different, so you’ll have to wait to see if I settle on that, or go with something more traditional. 

  • Choose my center block for the SAHRR 2023
  • Prep a quilt backing
  • Plan my Endeavourers challenge art quilt
  •  Firm Foundation blocks???

Happy To Do Tuesday, friends! And Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends – I hope you enjoy your time celebrating with family and friends! 



  • Rochelle Summers

    What a joy filled post. I love the reindeer and hope you show us the completed pillow. Your brother sure is special for you to make him that musical note block. I wonder who will receive that one. The star block is beautiful. I’m trying to see if the center square is snowballed or if those triangle extend into the outside star points. You’ve done such a wonderful job of piecing. I like your idea of leaving it at 12″ and letting the winner trim it down. Can’t wait to see all the center block for the SAHRR. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  • Laura

    Loving that reindeer block! It will be a great pillow for the season! Whoever wins your star block will be a happy camper! It is not a block that is commonly seen…rather intricate! I love that you challenged yourself and felt confident enough to make it! I am not participating in the round robin, but I always enjoy following the progress! Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

  • Karla

    Hi Wendy, I love the reindeer block, it’s beautiful– I think it should all be by itself on the pillow! I cringed when I read tracing templates, but the star block is beautiful also!

  • Karen

    Loving your blocks – it is hard to believe another year is almost to an end and we are talking about Thanksgiving and Christmas cookies! – have a great Thanksgiving

  • Barbara

    Cute blocks. Thanks for the reminder about the cookie swap. I’ll have to keep an eye out for that one because…cookies!

  • Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts

    Yes, November has gone by really fast! Looks like you’ve been getting a lot done, too. That reindeer is amazing! I printed out the pages for it, but that’s as far as I got. Great star block, too! I think it’s a good idea to leave it at 12 inches, so it can be trimmed later. I’ve made things from blocks gathered from a group before, and they’re usually all different sizes, lol!

  • Michelle in Scotland

    I love the reindeer block, the star block and the musical note block and I also love your needlepoint pumpkin in your photo at the top of the post. Far too many squirrels when I’m trying to be good 🙂

  • Vicki in MN

    I love how your reindeer is progressing. I would leave the border as is and do piano key quilting in it and a small stipple behind the deer. I be this music not went much faster because you had no one around talking with you!!

  • Kathleen McCormick

    Lots of goodies coming down the pike for you. I love the pillow with the little red border! Whatever you decide will be right for the finish. Sweet that your brother asked you for something for him!

  • rl2b2017

    Hi Wendy! Oooh, yes! SAHRR 2023. I’m throwing all caution to the wind – nothing traditional for us. Say it isn’t so – stay tuned for more in January. I have to giggle over our center block, but mum’s the word. Your note for your bro – love that!! You are becoming the PP queen, and I’m proud of you. I wish I enjoyed it. Just as your reindeer project intimidates you, PP scares me. I can hardly wait to see your cookie project!! December 6th – I’ll be here with bells on. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family (especially Wilbs – does he like turkey or whatever you’re having?). {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  • The Morning Latte

    I love the red border on the reindeer. At your mention of applique I have to admit I’m thinking a few berries and holly leaves in just one corner? Or maybe two opposing?
    I looked for my Block Party book and came up empty. I must’ve donated it, darn it!
    I didn’t realize those notes were so tiny! Adorable! Wondering if I couldn’t make something for my music-teacher daughter would like something with those? (Although I’m not sure I’m ready for paper piecing again–my last project was huge. Love it but…not very often!!)

  • Carol Andrews

    Wendy you have some of the prettiest blocks on the go. I’m not sure whether I like the reindeer or music note better. I would add a snowflake or berries and mistletoe in one of the corners of your pillow. 😉

  • marissthequilter

    Oooh you are a busy bee (as usual!). Looking forward to 6 December and the baking surprise. I am very very impressed by your star block. It looks inordinately complicated and the person who wins it is going to be a very lucky person!

  • texasquiltgal

    Your Geo Reindeer just gets better and better. I’m pretty amazed at your Christmas block, that’s some precise work. I’m glad for the look at your past SAHRR quilts and looking forward to the next one. Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!

  • Quilting is in my Blood

    Hi Wendy. I thought I had commented on this post. There’s much to comment on. Your reindeer is wonderful in those grunge fabrics. I also saved that pattern and might have to make it next year. And that Christmas block is so unique. I’ve never seen anything like it! How sweet that your brother wanted one of your paper pieced musical notes. Glad it went together quickly. And finally, I am super excited about the 2023 SAHRR, and yes, I plan to participate. I think I’ve figured out what I’m going to use for my center block.

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