To Do Tuesday
That splotch came with the recipe, so you’ll have to read around it like I do! Here’s a photo of the finished dessert.
My two adult offspring, who apparently were denied the joy of jello as kids, were quite amused by the jiggly dessert. They were also surprised at how lime-y it tasted. It brought back memories of my childhood. Three of the four of us had very vivid, weird dreams Sunday night, however. We are wondering what was in that jello!
My kids gifted me four little toy sewing machines for my quilt room when it is finished. I’ll share photos of them soon, along with an update on the renovations. They are very cute, and three out of the four still have moving parts!
Okay, back to my to do list. Here’s my previous list, let’s see how I’ve done.
- Choose my center block for the SAHRR 2023 – not quite yet, but close!
- Prep a quilt backing – Done!
- Plan my Endeavourers challenge art quilt – I’ve started working on the quilt
- Firm Foundation blocks??? – Umm. No.
I have been happily ignoring my list recently and having fun making other little projects. Three of them were gifts, the last one was just something fun for me.
Last week, our quilt group had our annual Christmas party. I made this little project pouch and tucked in some thread and a charm pack.
The little project pouch measures 7.5 inches square, and the pattern is from Sotak Co.’s book, That Handmade Touch.
I made this little zippered pouch for a friend’s birthday.
This is the Lola Pouch pattern also by Sotak Co., a stand alone pattern, not one from her book. This little pouch measures 7-1/4 inches long, 4-1/2 inches tall and 2 inches deep.
With those two pouches, I thought I was done with holiday gifts, but then another one came up. I needed something that could be made in an afternoon, so I went with Atkinson Designs Tankini pattern.
The Tankini pattern comes in three sizes. This runner is the mini size, measuring 8 inches wide and 18.5 inches long. It’s easy to make and easy to quilt, just diagonal lines following the triangles.
Last of all, I made this Holland Pouch from Center Street Designs.
This pattern also comes in three sizes, and my version is the smallest size. It measures 6 inches wide by 4 inches high by 4.5 inches deep. It goes together much more easily than other box pouches I’ve made. Soft & Stable is used for structure. Mine isn’t quite perfect, but I enjoyed making it.
Okay, I think I’m done goofing off with all of my holiday projects. This week, my list looks like this:
- Challenge Quilt – I need to keep working on this
- SAHRR Center Block – needs to be chosen this week
- Pattern Test Block
We’ll see if I can get any of that done, or I get distracted once again. Thanks for reading my To Do Tuesday post!

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Sally Johnson
How cow! Have you been prolific! I love everything you have made! I am still waiting for my bag lesson. Maybe after the holidays!
Cindy Pieters
Wonderful gifts that any recipient would be more than happy to receive!
I’m amazed at how many little projects you completed. I saw the Holland pouch sew along in Instagram and noticed that the construction did look simpler than other bags. That’s one squirrel I’d like to chase after. 🙂
The Morning Latte
Wow, look at you go! You’ve been busy (while I’ve been off playing!) and all of them are very cute! I bet that project bag was very well-received!! Glad you took yesterday to play around!
There’s something special about original recipes, quirks and all. It just wouldn’t be the same if you recopied it or retyped it.
Barbara J Stanbro
Happy Birthday! You have some cute projects going there. I love the fabric you used on that green bag. Very cute. That looks like a good recipe. The one Mike remembers is the lemon jello cake where you poke holes in the cake and then pour lemon jello over the top. I made it for him and his sister once when she visited. Found the recipe in my MIL’s recipe box.
Vicki in MN
Thanks for sharing your childhood memory of this dessert-because my mom used to make this to take to any event and for Easter. I just loved eating it too! Our recipe was called Lime Fluff dessert. You did have some fun making this week:) What weight vinyl do you use for your project bags?
laughing here at your vivid dreams – what was in that dessert LOL, we used to have jello desserts but haven’t had one in years. glad you had a great birthday!
laura bruno lilly
Happy Birthday, Wendy! Close your eyes and imagine me playing you a lively rendition of the Birthday Song on my instruments – just for you.
Whoa that gift pouch for a casual quilters group party is fantastic! Wish I’d drawn the lucky number to receive that – though who knows what offering I’d have to give – maybe some quilter background music?!
Happy Holidays.
Happy birthday! The recipe is precious (can you imagine a gas refrigerator?) but I’m not too sure about the finished product. I think it might give me some really vivid dreams, too! Looking forward to the new SAHRR. Have a good week!
Hi Wendy! Oh, your poor kids – never had jello?!! That might be reportable in some circles. I just love, love, LOVE the recipe. What fun memories you were able to share and to build some new ones. Like Vicki – we called it Fluff and Sue’s Mom still makes it for ‘special’ events (like Christmas Eve). I’m the only one that really eats it and I always get to enjoy the leftovers. Score!! Holy moly – I think you need to ignore your list more often. CUTE gifts – all of the recipients are lucky Bs. I’m glad you had a fabulous birthday – it’s a blessing to count you among my friends. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Katherine Duquette
Happiest of year ahead adventures. I loved the recipe pic. We have a few of those mysterious spots in well used cookbooks. They make me smile.
Someone sure is lucky to have your pouch and little bag. They are delightful. Happy sewing and family.
Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday! Those little pouches are darling!
Ahhh Jello…had a lot of that in various forms as a kid! 🙂
Carol in Texas
Wendy, you share a birthday with my Forever Friend Paula who lives in College Station, Texas. She was 85 yesterday. We met in high school and have been fast friends ever since. She is not a stitcher, but she is a reader! I gave her a cope of Stillmeadow Calendar by Gladys Taber. If you don’t know that writer, you might look into her work. She wrote columns for Woman’s Day magazine when I was growing up and my mother loved them. I love her writing too. Belated Happy Birthday!
Cindy Berry
Happy Birthday – you share the day with my now 2 year old granddaughter and my niece. Hope it was a good day. I love the bags -you did a great job on those. That dessert looks interesting….. Have a Merry Christmas and peace and happiness in the new year.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I must have also had Lime-Chocolate Triumph at some point, because I can smell it by looking at the photos! Happy belated birthday. I hope it was a wonderful day and that your year ahead is full of love, laughter, and joy.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Sounds like a wonderful family birthday, Wendy!!! That recipe–not sure how one whips jello!?! But the finished product looks delish! Can’t wait to see the toy sewing machines! And some great hand made small projects/gifts!!!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Happy Birthday, Wendy! What a fun dessert to make! (Gas refrigerator, though? Hmmm?) I love all your gifts projects – I’m sure they were loved. People in my quilt group would love the project pouch – I’ll have to remember that. Good luck with your list this week!
Bonnie in Va
What a great recipe card. I have some of both of my grandmothers but nothing saying to chill in a gas freezer etc. You have been on a roll getting things done this week. Good for you. I hope you do just what you want to do this week (which may, or may not be on your list!)
Carol Andrews
Wow! Wendy that is one amazing lists of completed projects! Love your jiggly lime desert. I remember having that asa child. On top of a birthday? Incredible 🙂
Melisa-Pinker n Punkin Quilting
Wendy , the dessert looks so yummy . Thank you so much for the recipe; I will definitely give it a try. What lovely gifts . I adore the table topper. Don’t you just love those quick projects? Have a wonderful week.
Cocoa Quilts
You have been a very busy girl! Love all the bags and pouches!!!
Kathleen McCormick
It is so fun that you had this special desert and your kids were deprived of Jello! I think mine was too. Im wondering if it was the citrus or the food coloring that fed your dreams?? Now, your projects…oh my…you have been busy. All the little things are so pretty and perfect, I am sure the recipients will enjoy them!
Lots of great projects! They all look fantastic!
Good luck with this week’s list!
Well Happy Birthday. Glad you managed to relive happy times with the pudding. I can just imagine it.Lovely gifts you made.
The Joyful Quilter
Great gifts, Wendy!! I think the dotty Holland Pouch is my favorite. Lucky recipients, all!
Happy birthday that was. Enjoyed reading about your childhood treat. My mother made a similar pudding which, for some reason, we called Gone with the Wind.
You continue to amAze me with your productivity and future plans.
Sometimes you just gotta play!!! All items are just perfect, now I am off to look at FQs to see what I can make. LOL!
Preeti Harris
Such cute projects and absolutely adorable gift ideas. Sending you the best of holiday wishes, Wendy. Stay warm and happy!
Happy birthday Wendy! That pie looks scrumptious to me, in spite of the vivid dreams. 😉 My Mom and I used to make a pie with lemon Jello, cream cheese, and (gasp-uncooked) whipped egg whites folded in. We simply called it “Cheese Pie” – not a very appetizing name for such a good dessert. I love that your kids gifted you with toy sewing machines – can’t wait to see your room. I love your handmade gifts, especially love the checked binding on your Guild pouch. I hope you got a gift as nice as that one! Thank you for sharing with us at To Do Tuesday!
Texas Quilter
Hats off to you when making those gifts with the zippers! Your Lime dessert looks good. reminds me of the same with Oreo cookies (when they were real Oreo’s). Looking forward to seeing the Toy’s in the new room.