To Do Tuesday
Here we are, on the first Tuesday in June. If June is anything like May, we will wake up tomorrow and it will be the first Tuesday of July – haha! While I haven’t been posting much lately, I have been sneaking in a little bit of sewing. I’m joining in with Quilt Schmilt for Carol’s weekly To Do Tuesday linky party. Let’s take a look at how I’m doing.
Fab Farm Sew Along

I’m happy that I’m keeping up with this sew along hosted by Kathleen McMusing. You can see my other blocks in my last post. I had to dig deep in my scraps to find enough of three separate pinks to use for this little piggy. I need to buy more pink fabric, I guess! Anyway, this little piggy stitched up quickly in an afternoon. (Bernie, if you’re reading this, I had Julia on my mind while I was stitching up this cute block!)
Tuxedo’s Tales
Since Wilbs is the main cat in my version of Tuxedo’s Tales, a pattern designed by Bonnie Sullivan, he gets to approve the look of the block before I begin stitching. May’s block featured the cat wearing a lacy collar. Wilbs took one look at that and said, Nope. So we had to compromise. He approved of a bow tie, so we took that idea from July’s block, but chose a different color. What do you think?

I have so much fun coming up with colors to use for each block. Soon I will put the finished ones up together on the design wall so you can see them. In the meantime, I need to get to work on June’s block.
Diatom QAL
I have thoroughly enjoyed this quilt along hosted by Quilting Jetgirl. The blocks go together so well, and finish at a nice, big size. I’m very happy with my fabric choices, and so glad most of them were in my stash (the lighter tan was added after the initial pull). I’m all caught up – here’s Block 11.

I’m looking forward to Block 12, the final block! These will be going up on my design wall this week, so I can play with the layout. I can’t wait to have this one all sewn together!
Other than these three projects, my main focus in the coming weeks will be my Endeavourers art challenge quilt. I have sketched out my design, now it’s time to play with fabric. This one is going to make a huge mess, but I’m hoping it will be fun and will look recognizable when I’m done!
What’s on your To Do Tuesday list for this week? I’d enjoy hearing about it! Thanks for stopping by!

Busy Bee

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Barbara J Stanbro
Very cute blocks. Sounds like you’re getting busier with summer coming on. I know I am. Not sewing nearly as much as I was in, say, February.
The pig, the cat and the star.. All lovely. I am gardening mostly and really want to finish a few things now.
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I love your pig block and Wilbs is a very discerning animal. Your cat block is perfect with the bow tie 🙂
Stitchin at Home
Your piggy is so adorable! Wilbs was right the bow tie suits him much better!
Quilting is in my Blood
I’m really enjoying your progress on all three of these project. I agree with Wilbs that the bow tie is much preferable to the lacy collar, and how cute he looks with that flower pot on his head! The pig is adorable, and I’m really enjoying seeing all your Diatom blocks. Sewing-wise, I’m living vicariously through you! Have a wonderful day!
I like all your blocks! The pig is really cute, and Julia is the queen of piglets isn’t she? Wilbs made a great choice, as always.
Do I detect some reluctance in buying more pinks? 😉 I was shocked to discover I have very little in the red department, and I really need to replenish.
Some pig! I had to add more pink to my stash this spring. I love your wool cats and this one is adorable.
You surely must giggle a little to yourself as you finish something like that pig or cat. Just adorable! Both of them! I know they’re both part of something bigger, but both could stand alone as their own little piece of fabric art.
Sara Fridley
You are right – time flies way too fast. That pig block is so hilarious, and so cute!!!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Aww, your piggy is adorable, as are all your Fab Farm blocks! Your Diatom block is so pretty. I love Grunge fabric!! And, of course, Wilbs would definitely approve of this bow-tie! I understand why he didn’t want a lacy collar! LOL Have a great time playing with your art challenge fabrics. Looking forward to seeing it!
Vicki in MN
Your little piggy reminds me of Petunia pig:) So glad you found a version of TT that Wilbs approved!
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
You made quick work of the pig block, Wendy!!! On the ball!!!
As long as I don’t wake up to September! (which I love but because I love it, I have to prep for it), But yes! I can’t remember a year flying by so fast!
That little pig is just too cute. I have a bro that just loves anything with pigs. I should totally make a whole quilt of them for him!
Love the new blog look and the bow tie is very distinguished. Excellent decision Wilbs!
Hi Wendy! Aww, what a sweet little swine. I think your digging deep came up with just the perfect pinks. I hope this month doesn’t fly by as quickly as May did, but this week is certainly keeping up with that trend. Wilbs looks quite surprised to have a flower pot on his head, but he’s really working the bow tie! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Wilbs was right, of course! The pig and cat blocks are so fun and cute! Diatom is looking great…can’t wait to see all of the blocks together! 🙂
Kathleen McCormick
Your pig is adorable! I, too, had to scour my studio for pink. The bow tie is just perfect for Wilbur…no lace collar for him. I can’t wait to see you Diatom all together….I love the colors. Good luck with your challenge!
Rochelle Summers
Such a nice collection of blocks. That pig is really cute. I may have a lot of pink but the question is always is it the RIGHT pink! Your cat block does resemble Wilbs and the bow tie was the perfect choice. Those stars are coming out nice. Looking forward to a view of them on the design wall.
Your piggy blog is too fun! Love your Diatom block. I’m way behind, but hoping to be more caught up by Friday.
A hat trick! Three beautiful blocks, all charming in their different ways. Your diatrom quilt is going to be astounding with those shapes and colours.
Wise choice Wilbur. Can’t imagine you in a lace collar
Such fun blocks, Wendy! The pig is adorable, and I love Wilbs’ bowtie – I can’t see him in a lace collar either. The Diatom block is beautiful – the blue section looks like ribbon!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
The pig block definitely makes me think of Julia, too! 🙂 I think Wilbs was right to suggest the change from lace to a bowtie for the May block. And your Diatom block is stunning. Block 12 will be released before we know it!
Julia and the lucky pick… could be a childrens book and you illustrate it with your block.
So nice! Pink will never be out of stock here, but I cant send over, if I could .. I would send you. Mr. Bow tie… exellent… Wilbs, you know how to dress!
Your quilt out of Grunge will be full of harmony.
Will be very intersting your new project! Love to see more here soon.
laura bruno lilly
Sounds like you’re having way too much fun in your new studio, Wendy!
Carol Andrews
Wendy it’s always so much fun to see what you are working on. I love the piggy block, and of curse your Tuxedo Tails block. I’m sure Wilbs liked the bow tie much more than a lacy collar. Your Diatom block is gorgeous. I’m trying to imagine them all together, but can patiently wait until we get to see them on your new design wall. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Hope you’ve been having lots of quality stitching time this week. Good luck with the Endeavors project.