
To Do Tuesday

It has been an age since I’ve written a To Do Tuesday post, but I thought I’d link up with Carol over at Quilt Schmilt for this week’s linky party. There’s lots of stuff going on here at Pieceful Thoughts, so let me catch you up!

No, I haven’t outgrown my quilt studio – haha! BigJ is busy building his workshop in our backyard. Since our trip to North Carolina was canceled due to Hurricane Helene, he has been making great progress. This is an earlier photo, so I’ll have to snap another one soon. He’s putting the trusses up now, so it’s looking a lot different than in this photo!

I had some fun testing this cute pumpkin block for Sandra Healey Designs. The pattern is the Halloween Pumpkin Quilt Block and you can find it right here. There are two sizes included in the pattern, a 12″ block and a 6″ block finished. It is a simple block to do and goes together quickly. And you have the option of making your pumpkin happy or sad.

My Fall Forest quilt is hung! This is a very unstaged, keeping it real photo (I actually snapped it to send to my kids).

That area of our living room is a work-in-progress – our upright piano used to be in that space, and now it needs some filling in. Anyway, thought you would like proof the quilt is on the wall.

Ok, back to the topic of To Do Tuesday. Here are a few things I’m working on this week:

A new thing for me, I signed up for the Block Study Collective Season 2 with Tara Faughnan. Each month, we are given a suggested fabric pull to use, either purchased or curated from our own stash, and a block. I have thoroughly enjoyed messing around with colors I don’t usually put together. The first three blocks in the photo are sewn together; the other three are waiting for more arranging and rearranging. So that is on my to do list before the month is over.

A friend gave me some novelty fabrics, and I thought some of them would be fun for doll hospital gowns that I will send to A Doll Like Me. If you are not familiar with Amy and her organization, I hope you take a minute to click on the link and see what it’s all about. From time to time, I (and other quilters) make doll hospital gowns for Amy to send along with the dolls. Is this gown too cute, or what?1 I have made two of them in that fabric. I have 6 more gowns in other fabrics, waiting to be finished and shipped off to Amy. That’s my second item on my to do list.

My last item on my to do list is finishing a quilt top using the Lilac Love pattern by mmmQuilts. Sandra will be releasing this pattern soon, and I am having so much fun playing with my stash as I work on my baby/wall quilt version. No photos yet, but a post will be coming soon! You can see Rose’s version here – and check out her stylin’ Master Quilt Holder!

Okay, that should keep me out of trouble for the week! What are you working on this week?


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