To Do Tuesdays #16
- Finish Vintage UFO – in progress
- Sandwich and baste test quilt – not done
- Monthly Color Challenge Block – not done
- Monthly Churn Dash blocks – not done
One of you inspired me this past week and I just had to stop, drop and make this new project. I’m itching to get to quilting it with the matching thread from my stash (yippee!). I am behaving now, though, and letting it wait until I get the binding done on the vintage UFO.
Speaking of the vintage UFO, I’m working on finishing the hand sewing of the binding. Stripey binding, for the win – yes?
I joined in a quilt along with Kevin the Quilter last year for his Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt. I stalled out in September, and you can see where I left off in this post. This past week, I suddenly had the urge to finish the top so I could empty the bin. I’ll tell you more about this top in a later post.
Well, with all those diversions, what’s on my list for this week?
- Finish binding vintage UFO
- Ponder quilting for test quilt
- Monthly Color Challenge Block
- Monthly Churn Dash blocks
- Use those matching threads & quilt that project
So that’s my list for To Do Tuesdays #16 Maybe I’ll stay on task this week, we’ll see.
What about you? Have you been distracted this week too?

Challenge Quilt

I Like Thursdays #33
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Your threads look like they match perfectly, and I’m looking forward to seeing more of your stop, drop, and make. I seem to have those almost daily now (rolling my eyes.) The inside border on that pretty scrappy quilt looks like rick-rack. Stripy binding is always good!
Robby H.
Striped binding is always the answer!
Cocoa Quilts
Striped binding is my favorite!!!! The Summer scrap quilt is the best. I can’t imagine all the scraps used for that one.
love the red quilt and yes strip binding is neat.
Vicki in MN
OMG that looks like you should be sitting on that quilt and having a picnic!! It’s beautiful. Now stay on task so we can see the new squirrel you are working on, LOL
Nancy Bekedam
Even if you were distracted, they are great distractions! That striped binding will bring your vintage quilt right up to date! And that mystery quilt is a beauty!
Oh my gosh…your scrappy red quilt is stunning! I love it. And you know I love a striped and/or fun binding of any kind. Your threads are pretty. I love thread as much as I love fabric.
Kathleen McCormick
Love striped binding! I have some purple I hope to use on the Centred QAL! You have a good week ahead of you…now close that door and keep those squirrels at bay. I know,not a chance!
Laura M
Thanks for sharing the red and beige quilt. I have been off “beige” for awhile now, but your quilt and setting is so effective. Thanks for letting me see that.
Diann Bottrell
The SSSQ top is wonderful, Wendy! I love all your reds with the cream/neutral contrasting section. I’m always intrigued to see what squirrel has caught you, especially with those pretty threads. But good for you, finishing up that binding first!
Rochelle Summers
You have such an ambitious list and it leaves me dying to see all those projects. Maybe next week. It does sound though like you had a productive week even if it veered off the straight and narrow. If you were having fun, that’s all that matters.
Progress is progress! That’s what counts! Sounds like you’ll have a finish soon!
Happy Quilting! 🙂
Hi Wendy! I love a good ponder!! I do that plenty of times (all the time) regarding quilting. HAHA! Hmm, now we’re still in the dark regarding what the squirrel project. I guess I can be patient to see it finished – it’s not like we have a choice here!! Love the striped fabric for binding, and your red UFO project from last year is SO worthy of your attention for a finish. Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne
Love everything you’ve shown here. Those threads – such delicious colors!
Cheree Hull
Love the thread colors! And yes, always stripes in binding!! How fun to finish that red UFO!
Quilting is in my Blood
Those fabrics with the coordinating threads are such a gorgeous palette. I can’t wait to find out more about this project. And good for you making progress with two UFOs!
This is not a week of distractions to me but it should be warm enough for me to garden in a day or two and then I won’t get much sewing done! I am in love with your summer scrap quilt! Great colors!