Topsy Turvy
I was among several who were asked to test this pattern, and I’ll list the others at the end of this post, along with the details of how you can get your hands on Preeti’s Topsy Turvy. There’s a sale – and a giveaway – so you’ll want to read to the end of this post!
But first, let me tell you a bit about my version.
I shopped my stash to make this quilt; I enjoyed thinking about what colors I wanted to use. I pondered background fabric, and decided to go with my favorite – Kona Pickle (my quilty friend, Rose and I call this citronickle). Then I pulled out my color wheel to find colors that would play well with it. I followed the tetrad colors of yellow-green, red orange, red violet, and blue violet.
If choosing fabrics or colors for a quilt challenges you, Preeti includes a coloring page in her pattern to make that process a little easier.
Once my fabrics were chosen, and the cutting was done, I got so involved in the fun of creating the blocks, I didn’t even think to take photos! Oops! So, without further ado, here’s my Topsy Turvy quilt top.
While working on the layout, my plans were to mix up the blocks well enough so no blocks were together. Hmm. Not quite, but it still works!
Topsy Turvy Blog Hop Schedule
New pattern release blog hops are so fun, because the pattern is shown is in so many different fabrics and colors. Maybe you will be inspired by mine, or maybe by one of the other bloggers. Here’s the list, just click on the link to get to their blogs.
BlogHop ScheduleSeptember 9, 2022 – NancySeptember 10, 2022 – Karen September 11, 2022 – Turid
September 12, 2022 – WendySeptember 13, 2022 – Yvonne
I Want Topsy Turvy!
Well, of course you do! Preeti has Topsy Turvy for sale for a limited time in her Etsy Shop. You can find the link to her shop right here. Regularly priced at $12, from now until September 15th, it will be 25% off for the price of $9.
A Chance to Win!
Leave me a blog comment about my Topsy Turvy quilt by Friday, September 16th, and I will include your name in a drawing for a digital copy of Topsy Turvy pattern from Preeti. (Please make sure I have your email address so you can be contacted if you win.)
One last glam photo of my Topsy Turvy quilt. Thank you, Preeti, for letting me test this pattern for you!
If you are on Instagram, watch the hashtag #topsyturvyquiltpattern for more inspiration. If you make it, add yours, too!
Happy sewing!

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Mary Howland
Oh my! I’m grateful for this reminder to think outside of the box when choosing a background fabric. I love your choice!
I agree with Mary about thinking outside the box when choosing background fabrics. My daughter is always encouraging me to do so, but it’s a big step! Your version of Topsy Turvy is amazing! Your post is delightful to read, Wendy. Very motivating!
Julie Kennedy
Your quilt is so bright and beautiful! Yes, your background color is unusual, but it really works well with the other colors you chose.
Eileen Maher
That is a really daring backgound, but it worked well!! looks lke a great pattern!
Cindy Pieters
Citronickle is not a background colour I would have thought of, but it works wonderfully with the rest of the colours.
Sally Johnson
Love your use of color in this quilt. Very effective. Great job as usual. ❤️
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
That’s fun and cheerful quilt in those bold colours and your whipped it up very fast 🙂
Barbara J Stanbro
That turned out very cute!
Katherine Duquette
The bright colors of the squares and rectangles dance on that Kona Pickle background. Nice choices.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Woooow, so bright and fun, Wendy!!! Matches your petunias perfectly!!!
Vicki in MN
That is a bright one, where oh where are my sunglasses, hehe. Truly I Love it with the dancing blocks.
Cindy Shelley
This background Reaktor makes the blocks pop!!! Love it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Preeti Harris
What a gorgeous explosion of color and joy!!! Oh Wendy, you sure know how to knock it out of the park. I am in awe. Thank you so much for graciously agreeing to pattern test Topsy Turvy. You have made me so happy!!!
it turned out great I have been seeing these pop up around blog land – I love coloring pages
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I’ve been enjoying seeing the different versions of Topsy Turvy these last few days! Yours is so fun, Wendy! I like the pickle background, and happy colors you chose for the blocks. Since I’m working on Masala Box right now, I know Preeti write good patterns! Thanks for the giveaway!
Rochelle Summers
Wonderful quilt Wendy. I like that you reminded me to use the color wheel. That would keep me out of trouble if remembered that all the time.
Laura M
The neutral you chose for the quilt is so much fun. I also like that the quilt could easily be constructed in a QAYG method along the columns.
The Joyful Quilter
What FUN!!! It looks like a great pattern for making donation quilts. I hope I win!! :o))
Charlotta Bright Norby
Wow how great of you to use that bright yellow for the background! I could not love that more! It’s awesome! It’s a totally new and different quilt!
I love the pattern in your choice of bright colors. The pickle grunge works well with whatever you pair it with!
Wow, this really packs a punch. Just lovely.
karen berrisford
Awesome background choice!
Lisa England
Wow, the bright colors are wonderful! This looks like a fun pattern to make. What a great way to experiment with different color combinations.
Wow! Love the vibrance of your background with your happy fabrics. You’ve done Preeti proud!
Cherie Moore
Here’s hoping your blog server troubles are behind you! Love your version of Topsy Turvy
Kathleen McCormick
WOW! Love this version and the colors are so vibrant. It is fun using the color wheel to help with something like this….I would find the citronickle a challenge to work with but you rose to the occasion. It is a beauty!
Bold and beautiful! You are very good with color, Wendy, and Preeti’s design shows that off well! 🙂
Barbara Roedel
This version shines beautifully with the yellow background and the pink, orange and blue fabrics. The quilt looks great.
You have chosen beautiful modern fabrics for your version of the pattern.
You are on the lucky side to be a tester. Not really a chance to buy in the states .. so would be happy to be in the pot of person who may can win the online version. Love you bright colours and enjoy always your weekly information. Cheers me up. You did a great job with this top! If I should win have children fabrics …. would be a fun project.
Sandi Scarlett
I love your Topsy Turvy quilt! The colors are awesome. The pattern is very cool & now I want to make it.
What a beautiful, bright quilt. Its obvious that you had fun in the making of it.
Sue Hoover
Preeti’s patterns are written for anyone to be able to follow and sew successfully. I love that you chose such an unusual background and then scattered happy colors on top. Beautifully done!
What a pretty and cheerful quilt.
This is such an energetic pattern — I love the stacks of blocks balancing. And your colors are fantastic!
Sandy Panagos
Those colors are SO cool together!!! I’m headed over to The Fat Quarter Shop right now to order some Kona pickle!
The Morning Latte
Oh my goodness I’m so glad you put the closer-up pics on here too–those fabrics are super! You’re always so good at picking them out! Will Connie be quilting this one? Very anxious to see it quilted!
Julie in WA
Your background choice is inspiring! Love the modern vibe.
Wow, this pattern looks great in any colors, doesn’t it? I like the cheerfulness and think having the colors more together works just great.