Tuesday Tidbits
My list from last week:
- Finish my Hands2Help quilt – Nope!
- Work on my Wonderful World of Color Blog Hop project – Thought it was done, but . . .
- Visit a new (to me) quilt shop – Done!
One of the reasons I wasn’t able to finish my H2H quilt this week was because I need batting. I thought I’d be able to find batting at the quilt shop, but no. I’ve been noticing lately that quilt shops aren’t carrying pre-packaged batting, especially those who have in -house longarm services; I wonder if there’s a connection. Anyway, I’ll need to order some online, but I still have time to get my quilt done.
As long as I’m talking about the quilt shop, I will say that it was one of the nicer shops I’ve been to. It was Olive Juice Quilts in Onalaska, WI. I know you’d like to see photos, but I didn’t take any! I was too busy taking it all in, and there was a lot to see. I’ll be going back, so maybe next time I can take a few photos.
Meanwhile, back in my quilt room, I made up what I thought was going to be my project for the Wonderful World of Color Blog Hop. However, once I finished, I realized I just don’t like it. At all. Here’s a little peek at the odds and ends left from the project.
So what to do. Once I’m done pouting, I’ll pull it back out and see if I can change a few things and make it work, which is very possible. Otherwise, I’ll come up with Plan B.
On Saturday I participated in a Zoom workshop with Carole Lyles Shaw in her Modern Improv Quilt Academy. Here’s a peek at my fabric pull for the workshop:
From the left: Kona Pickle, Kona Papaya, Grunge Ash, Kona Peach, and a print my daughter picked up for me at Joann’s.
Here are the blocks I finished during the workshop. This is not how they will be laid out in the quilt, this is just how I put them up on the wall for the photo.
I’m liking that focus fabric so much I may have to see if I can still find it and pick up more for my stash.
In the evenings, I’ve picked up my cross-stitching once again. I’m not sure what I will do with this one yet, but I am enjoying the design.
This pattern is called Nordic Snowflakes and was designed by Amanda Rowe. She offered this design and a few others as free patterns through her Insta account (@amandajrowe61).
Well, that’s what was happening last week, but what about this week? My Tuesday tidbits for this week are pretty much the same, with the exception of the visit to the quilt shop.
- Order batting for H2H quilt
- Decide on WWoC Blog Hop project
- Try something new
Thanks for stopping in to read my post. I’d enjoy hearing what you’ve been working on to!

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Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I would dream of a local quilt shop with a long arm service! I think I’d make more quilts if I didn’t have to quilt them…I like your improv fabric pull and I’ll look forward to seeing more of your cross stitch 🙂
Cindy Pieters
Your colour project looks colourful. I hear you on the batting. I also need to order some.
Kathy Swallows
Love your workshop project, that is so cool! Batting is hard to find these days. I was in Joann’s a week ago and it was really expensive there which surprised me. Good luck with this week’s list.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Such colorful, fun fabrics, piecing, blocks!!! Ohhh, don’t tempt me with that beautiful cross stitch!!!!
Hi Wendy! Gosh, I love that focus fabric and all the solids you pulled to go with it. Especially Pickle!! Your rainbow discards look lovely. Put your big girl panties on and stop pouting! You’ve got this. It just CAN’T be that bad. {{Hugs}} I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with. Isn’t it nice to cross stitch in the evening? I’m surprised that Wilbs let you. ~smile~ Roseanne
when I was at a quilt shop this weekend I wasn’t looking for batting so never looked but you know I don’t recall seeing any packages of batting either. I usually order batting packages a couple months before I know I will need them and then order 2 at a time
Cheree Hull
I did some quick googling and found a ton of pics of Olive Juice Quilts. That looks like a wonderful shop!! (We just don’t have any like that around here anymore! All the good ones have closed!). Definitely road trip worthy! I’m with you, even with my more traditional tastes, that focus fabric is a lot of fun. Go, buy more! . I wish I would pick up my knitting in the evening. Somehow I just don’t have any energy left? Well the cross stitch looks lovely so far. If it weren’t for the no-knitting, that would prob be the thing I’m NOT picking up. LOL.
Cindy Berry
Hi Wendy, I love that focus fabric; so fun that your daughter introduced it to you. I am not usually a fan of bold, bright prints, but I am becoming more so lately – I just ordered a few small pieces of Kaffe Fassett fabrics to add some brightness to my stash – they make me happy. Good luck with the rainbow project – I am sure you will do something wonderful with it…..
Jocelyn Thurston
Great tidbits! Wow to that Joann’s fabric piece daughter picked out…goes beautifully with the others. I like that you are improv..ing. And I know what you mean about the quilt shop. I went to my favourite spot last week and felt a little overwhelmed…my eyes were going everywhere at once, LOL. So happy to see your cross stitching. Your stitches are lovely!
Barbara J Stanbro
Well, like your colorful piece. I hope you’ll find a way to use it. I love your start on the Nordic snowflakes too. I just love slow-stitching. It’s so relaxing.
I’m sorry to hear you’re struggling with your blog hop project, because the leftover bits you show in the picture are so fun! Love that focus fabric and the solids you picked to go with it, too. Your cross-stitch project looks lovely. I like those one color designs you’ve been doing. Good luck in the list this week, Wendy!
Kathleen McCormick
That colorful piece looks lovely! I won’t start on mine for a bit….leaving it to the last minute is my skill. Your class project is awesome….I hope you can find more of that fabric. Sorry the shop didn’t have the batting; sometimes they have it hidden….as it takes up too much space in the store. I know the store I worked at we had it on the top shelves but the bulk was in the basement. Good luck with your week!
That fabric pull is fabulous, and I love that print your daughter picked out. Looks like the project is going well. Good luck with the “Try something new”. I’m in the mood to do something different than the things on my list. I like that cross stitch!
Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday!
Joyfully Tracie
Wendy, I really like the focal fabric for your workshop quilt. It looks very similar to the main print found in Dance in Paris by Zen Chic! I’m being disciplined in my quilt room and finishing up projects that need to be finished!
Rochelle Summers
Such colorful projects. I don’t know what you had planned but I’m certain you’ll find the right mix before the blog hop. I love that focus fabric you daughter chose. Your fabric pulls matched so well. I love all of them and the samples you have on the wall. I hope that squirrel finds your house…I love to see what you come up with.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I love the peek of the odds and ends left over from your Wonderful World of Color project. I hope that after you’ve had some time away from it, inspiration will help you rework it into something you love.
Judy B
I, too, am liking the fabrics in your Improv project. Wowza! Nordic snowflakes is going to be so pretty!
Bonnie in Va
interesting insight into lack of batting. I haven’t really looked for batting recently. I have been buying rolls of Pellon 80/20 at the MidAtlantic Quilt Festival. It lasts fairly long for me. I also try to pick up some Pellon bagged batting from JoAnns every once in a while. (On sale, with coupon — you know the drill if you have a JoAnns near you.). I’ll have to check my local quilt store to see whether they are carrying batting anymore…. I really like your color pull for Carole’s class. Yummy colors together.
The Joyful Quilter
I’m interested to hear more about your ill fated World of Color Hop project, Wendy. Can’t WAIT to see how you resolved the issue!
The focus fabric looks fantastic in your blocks. Great choice of colours!
As for batting, I buy it by the roll (90″ wide) … That way, I always have it on hand. It’s stored in a corner of the spare bedroom. I use the bed to roll out the batting and cut it to length. The extra bits are collected and later joined together for another quilt.
Good luck getting your batting! 🙂
You inspire me with the gorgeous pieces you are working on. The fabrics alone make me drool! I was once told to add grey if one wants to tone something down. But I must say, judging from the scraps, your rainbow piece is a stunner.
Sandy Panagos
I bet you can make something pretty cool just using the leftovers! What a fun workshop that must have been. You’ll have fun with putting blocks together from those fabrics!