Tuesday Tidbits
I decided to title this post Tuesday Tidbits rather than To Do Tuesday, since I don’t really have a to do list this week. Well, at least not a to do list for my quilting. Lately in my quilt room, I’ve been just playing with whatever I’m in the mood for, which has been loads of fun, but I forget to write posts! So I’m trying to get back into the swing of posts. That’s probably my only “to do” for this week.

Over the weekend, I was working on a little project (which I’ll show you in a future post) and as you can see, I had some help. I was already working in a tight space, but that didn’t stop Wilbs from making sure I knew he was there. No tails were burned in the process, thankfully.
At the end of October, we took a quick roadtrip to Arkansas. Whenever we go, I get together with my good friend and amazing artist, Helen, who blogs over at WordWeaver Art. We usually meet for dinner and the four of us enjoy fun conversation and laughter.

I am a huge fan of Helen’s work, and this year, she gifted me this beautiful painting. Isn’t it lovely?

It is nestled in my bookcase in our living room, where I can see it whenever I walk into the room. Thank you again, Helen, for sharing your talents with me!
Of course, travel cuts down on the sewing, so I didn’t get as much done at the end of October. However, I do bring my travel machine with me, and I was able to make a few more doll hospital gowns. I’ll be mailing these 14 gowns to A Doll Like Me soon.

Back to blogging friends, Cheree (The Morning Latte) and I have been discussing how we need to crack open some of our cookbooks and try some new recipes. Cheree has a stack of hers that she wants to explore. I haven’t gotten that organized, but we are going to hold each other accountable each week. So last week, I made this for one of our dinners.

This is the Indian Spiced Beef and Peas from the Milk Street Tuesday Nights cookbook. Unfortunately, there is no online link to the recipe, but if you happen to have this cookbook, it’s worth a try. Prepping all the ingredients first makes the dish come together quickly. It is not spicy, but has a definite comfort food vibe. I served it over rice but it would be really good with fresh naan bread.
And that’s a wrap for my Tuesday Tidbits. Later this week, I’ll show you that little project I was working on, along with my current blocks I’m making for the Block Study Collective Season 2 with Tara Faughnan. See you then!

The Spicy Neighborhood

Fun Little Project
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Haha I thought of Wilbs last night when I was trying to sew a quick project. Toby got down eye level to paw at the needle! Rosie was trying to get me to play hide and seek. And Gus had to reach out his paw to grab my finger, and got his paw stuck in it – oof. Thankfully no one was harmed except me – lol! I love that photo of you and Helen, and that painting is just perfect for your little nook. Looking forward to seeing your projects. I have renewed interest for being in the sewing room. I bought several fabrics on sale at Joann’s yesterday for a wedding quilt for grandson. 🙂 The cookbook project looks like fun!
You had a lot of fun tidbits to report on today! I enjoy playing with little projects in the sewing room, too – they’re so satisfying. Wish I had a helper like yours! Glad you were able to get away to Arkansas – that’s a pretty painting from Helen. Sounds fun to try some new recipes, too – we are definitely in a meal rut around here. The Indian Spiced Beef sounds yummy!
Vicki in MN
I am impressed with your doll gowns, so sweet of you to make and donate them. Can’t wait to see your little project you are working on.
Yum. Cracking open a cookbook sounds like a good plan.
Sounds like you had a very fun trip to Arkansas and nice chat with a blog buddy. Sounds like you’ve found a sweet spot in the sewing room, sometimes it’s nice to just do and not have an agenda. I’m not sure if we have that Milk Street cook book, but I’ll check. My Guy was complaining this weekend that we have the same things and he’d like to try something new. So thank you for the review.
I see you next October!!!! Same restaurant?? 🙂
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I can relate to needing to get back into the swing of things. I’m excited to maybe get to start sewing something again soon (fingers crossed). Goodness, Wilbur was making pressing a challenging game, and I’m glad his tail didn’t get in the way. Sounds like you have been having a great time enjoying life, and I look forward to seeing what the small project turned into.
I love it when I have a week where there’s nothing I HAVE to do! Enjoy trying a new recipe now and then!
LA Paylor
all of it was fun. I’d love to meet you and Helen in person… just a dream. Meal sounds so good, lovely painting
Your friend is very talented, that bluebird is beautiful!
What a very talented friend!
I have loads of cookbooks…guess I should start making use of them! Ha, ha! 🙂
Quilting is in my Blood
That bird painting is just wonderful! And that Indian beef recipe is making my mouth water even at this early hour!
The Morning Latte
Aw what a beautiful picture of you two! So sweet of her to gift that pic–she is talented! Way to go on the little gowns. 14!! Can’t wait to try the recipe; I just know hubs and I will love it. Thanks for making me pull out all those cookbooks. Nothing like a challenge to make me get something done!
Kathleen McCormick
WIlbur’s tail is so beautiful on your ironing board – and a big help, too! I love seeing your things in process and the wonderful dress for sew like me. I had one and have tape for more, need to cut some out and do it, they are so quick! Glad you had a get together with Helen, too. Love that beautiful bird she painted!
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
What a beautiful painting from your friend and I love that you are working on whatever catches your fancy when you are in your studio – that sounds fun!