Two Finishes
Beothuk Star
In 2019, Sandra (mmm!Quilts) hosted a quilt along for her Beothuk Star quilt design. Bernie (Needle & Foot) offered fabric bundles for the quilt along. I thoroughly enjoyed making this quilt, and I finally got it to Connie so she could quilt it for me.
Now you can see the rest of the tail in this photo. Wilbs thought it was very chilly in the house (we haven’t turned on the furnace yet), so the quilt was very comforting to him.
I don’t recall where I found this backing, but I wanted something subdued that coordinated with the top. The binding is one of the star fabrics. This quilt finishes at 42.5 inches.
Here’s a closer peek at the quilt back and Connie’s quilting.
Plus Playtime
Let’s inch that calendar back another year to 2018 when Sandra (mmm!Quilts) offered the Plus Playtime quilt along. I joined in on this one as well, using fabrics from my stash (mostly Kim Diehl and Jo Morton fabrics). I love how this quilt turned out, and it’s right on time for the fall season.
Clearly no longer chilly, Wilbs is giving Plus Playtime the snuggle/wrestle test. Let’s try that again . . .
Well, you can see most of it in this photo, This quilt finished at 54 inches. I love the way the smaller pluses dance across the quilt!
Sandra will be tickled to see that I pieced the backing, which is part of the reason it took me forever and a day to get the quilt done. I couldn’t decide on a backing until I realized I could piece it. Duh.
And he’s chilly again. He has claimed this as his quilt, clearly. I like the quilting design Connie used, which looks a bit like a chain link fence. I used Grunge Rifle fabric for the binding. All of the fabrics for this quilt came from my stash.
And that’s the tale of my two finishes today. Wilbs and I are delighted you stopped by to see these two quilts.

To Do Tuesday 65
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Two beautiful finishes. I also enjoyed the photoshoot with Wilbur almost stealing the show. Better not tell him that your quilts are more beautiful than he is!
Cindy Pieters
Love both your beautiful finishes! Looks like Wilbs has a preference of which one he likes best.
Hi Wendy! I LOVE this tail of two finishes. That sweet little tail in the first picture just sets the tone for the whole post (or morning, in my case). I’ll be smiling about that every time I think about it. Hmm. It seems to be an issue for Sandra’s quilt-alongs. HAHAHAHA! Just kidding. Both turned out lovely. I am really partial to the Plus Playtime – I think I need to make another one just for fun. {{Hugs}} Great job!! ~smile~ Roseanne P.S. I had to break down and wear a jacket this morning. It’s time for the furnace, darn it. It’s a longggggg winter when we have to face it so early in the Fall!
Vicki in MN
I can see they are Wilbur approved! Congrats on getting those bindings done and off your plate. Onto the next project:0
Congratulations on your wonderful finishes! I like Wilbs taste…my favorite is the plus quilt! 🙂
Nothing better than being greeted with Wilbs’ tail in the first pic! Beothuk Star is beautiful! I really like the colors in that bundle. Your plus quilt is really pretty, and I think Wilbs was just impatient for you to show the backing. The scrappiness just makes it, and I love what gingham does for a quilt. Connie outdid herself! Nice finishes Wendy. (thundering applause)!
Quilting is in my Blood
Both of these quilt are wonderful. I love the bright colors in the star quilt with its gorgeous binding and the plus quilt is indeed autumnal with its coordinating pieced back. And I particularly enjoyed Wilbur’s antics with both of the quilts.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Wilbs makes a great quilt model! LOL Both of these finishes are beautiful, Wendy! Your binding and mitered corners are awesome!! Love the fabrics in both!
The Joyful Quilter
Two fabulous finishes, Wendy!! I especially LOVE that playful Plus quilt!!
both great finishes – I love how the second one is quilted- it looks like a simple cross hatch until you look at it closer
laura bruno lilly
Wilbs almost upstaged the true tail of your finishes – HA!
Good on you for this continued time of project finishes…
I love how that star fabric turned out in the binding – did you use bias or straight strips?
Nancy Bekedam
Whoa!!! Two finishes! Great job, Wendy!!! Love the textures!!!
Barbara J Stanbro
Wilbur is an excellent quilt tester…very dedicated. Pretty quilts. I love the “star” binding.
Cheree Hull
Does Wilbs get extra treats as payment for the modeling gig? Both quilts are just beautiful and Connie does a great job! Yay for finishes!!
Terry K
Hurray for two finishes! That plus quilt stole my heart!
Rochelle Summers
Wonderful finishes. I love the fabrics you used in each quilt. I have a Beothuck Star waiting to be quilted, too. Hmm, maybe I should put that on my guild’s UFO challenge list and get it done. Wilbs really likes to photo bomb your shots. Feeling the cold myself this year and so we already have the heater on. Congratulations on those finishes.
Kathleen McCormick
You are too funny – a tail of two finishes. I totally get the thing about piecing backs but what you did is my favorite way around it. It is often easy to find a piece that works in the middle. I buy a lot of 2 yard pieces for backs and can add a piece or sometimes use a piece in the center – that’s the plan! Love the quilting that Connie did…that rounded grid is very pretty on the plus quilt. Congratulations on getting all caught up!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Those are two great finishes, Wendy! Sandra’s designs are some of my favorites, especially Beothuk Star. Now that I see your Plus Playtime quilt, I wish I had participated in that QAL, too. I like the color combinations you put together for both – so pretty and each unique!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Congratulations on getting both quilts finished; fun that they are both Sandra quilt alongs. The chain link fence motif is really neat. So are you going to let Wilbs claim the Plus Playtime quilt or has he already moved on to another spot to snuggle?
Sandra Walker
Well this sure made my day!!!! I love seeing both of your finishes and isn’t it weird but I just listed in my Etsy shop ‘Electric Swirl’ which was the plus quilt I made during the Plus Playtime QAL! I love how they both turned out and I love seeing Wilbur lolling about on the plus quilt-what is it about cats always doing that on quilts? And especially on flimsies-mucking them all up with glee! Love the chainlink fence-esque quilt motif Connie did too. Thank you for quilting along with me-good trip down memory lane!
Beautiful finishes!!!
So wonderful to see these old friends again! And now they are beautifully quilted and finished up, hooray! Wilbs clearly approves of both of them, and so do I 🙂
Thanks, Louise! I’m so glad to have them done and out where I can enjoy them!
Carol Andrews
Wendy these two finishes are perfect! Nice to see Wilbs is enjoying them as much as we are. I do love Sandra’s patterns and QAL’s.
Lovely finishes! I just quilted my Beothuk Star, too, so you’re ahead of me! It turned out great. I think your helper there needs his own quilt!
My Sewful Retirement
Wendy, both quilts are beautiful! Connie did an amazing job with the quilting. Looks like Wilbs has great taste ♥
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
Congrats on these finishes. They both look great and I love the quilting 🙂
Well you are further on than me; I have the patterns but that’s as far as I got with both of these :-0 Love both of your quilts and Wilbs’s modelling of them for you.
Sandra Healy
Two beautiful quilts and one super cute cat!
Preeti Harris
If this isn’t an endorsement of Sandra, I don’t know what is. Two fabulous finish – way to go Wendy. And also way to keep others on their toes – inspiration or intimidation? Who cares. You do you!!!