Two Little Finishes
I have two little finishes to wrap up this week. With all the cold weather this week, I’ve been happy to be home and in my quilt room. You might recall that in past posts, I’ve talked about a little UFO on my design wall that I’ve been given the side-eye while I worked on current projects. This little UFO has been pulled out and put away so many times over the – years! Seriously, years!?! Initially it was meant to be a pillow, I think. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought I should just toss it, but then I’d hesitate and pack it away again. I even considered it for the center block for my SAHRR. Well, with the blustery, cold weather, it seemed an appropriate time to finish it up.

This little quilt measures approximately 12 inches by 22 inches. It is an odd size for a pillow or a mini wall hanging, which I think was part of my hesitation years ago. The fusible used for the snowman is from the early days of fusible, so it is pretty stiff. For the quilting, I used a light blue thread on the background and quilted wavy lines with the idea that it might look like snow blowing around the snowman. I quilted the red border with matching thread, stitching straight lines through the border.

The backing is a snowflake print I had in my stash, and the binding is the last of the background fabric.

I don’t have any information on the fabrics to share with you. I’ve had them all for quite awhile. I’m glad to finally have this little fella done and out of my UFO stack.
In a recent conversation with my son, he mentioned that he would like a dice tray and wondered if I could make someething like that. Well, that piqued my curiousity, and after a little research, I came up with an idea to try. It worked out really well, and took just a little while to complete.

He wondered if I had any fabric with skulls on them. Surprisingly, I did have some that I used when I made Harry the Crow. I only had enough for one side of the tray, but I had another piece of black fabric that coordinated well.
The tray consists of two hexagon shapes of black fabric, a smaller hexagon of stiff interfacing, another lighter piece of interfacing (to give the sides some stability) and Kam snaps. The photo above shows the tray as it would be used with the dice.; it measures about 10 inches across with the sides up. The snapped sides keep the dice from skittering off the table when rolled. To store the tray, it is unsnapped so it lays flat.

This was fun to make, and I had it finished in just an hour or two. The hardest part was making sure I had the kam snap pieces right!
And that wraps up my week here at Pieceful Thoughts! I hope you stop back on Monday when it’s my turn to share the first border for the Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR) 2024! See you then!

SAHRR Center Block

SAHRR Border 1
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Barbara J Stanbro
Cute snowman runner, and your dice tray is very clever!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
Good to get your snowman finished after years in the making. He looks great and it’s fun to have a seasonal piece 🙂 And your dice tray looks very stylish. I expect your son will be delighted with it 🙂
Cindy Pieters
Great finishes! I love the dice tray, great idea.
The snowman is so cute, definitely worth finishing up. It would make a nice table decoration. Love the dice tray! That’s really cool. Grad Girl has requested a dice bag. Once the SAHRR is over that’s on my to do list.
I’m making a mental note of your snowman. I may need to try something similar. No reason, just really like the idea of creating pictures with fabric.
That snowman is so cute! Your stitching and the fabrics are really pretty. Love the dice tray. I’m wondering now if that would make a neat gift for my oldest grandson, so I’m bookmarking your post.
Love both these projects
snaps on the sides that is interesting –
Vicki in MN
Being the snowman lover that I am you know that I love your snowman quilt. Good for you for finishing him. I have a larger snowman wall hanging UFO from years and years ago and I just can’t get interested in finishing it as I can’t seem to come up with a quilting plan for it. Stay warm:)
Laura Kate
I got a dice tray as a gift at an event, but had no clue what I had. Thanks for educating me.
The snowman is so appropriate for today! We’re having snow and everything (including work) is closed. And he’s very cute on top of it! The dice tray has the most interesting fabric–I had to look a few times to find the skulls!
Two fun projects Wendy! Nice work. The dice tray is unique and perfect for your son – I bet he is super happy with it.
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
Congratulations on getting the long term UFO finished up. It seems that the weather was the inspiration you needed to get it done. I think the quilting looks just like wind and your snowman looks as surprised by this cold weather as everyone else! And what a fun project for your son. Have a great weekend!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
That snowman is cute as can be, Wendy! I’m so glad you decided to finish it up. The quilting does look like the wind is blowing, too! I like your son’s dice rolling tray, too – that is a great idea. I would not have thought to make those corners with snaps – very handy!
So cute, I love them both! Happy sewing in this cold week.
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Love that snowman Wendy! Your dice basket it great too! I bet your son loved it!!
Hi Wendy! Aww, the side-eye. Yup, it was the perfect time to finish up that sweet snowman. I think he’d make a nice little wall hanging – even in your kitchen between the upper and lower cabinets? He’s peek out at you while you brew some coffee for these cold days. A dice tray! Now that’s clever. The closest I came to making that is a play mat that is table size to keep the noise down (Rose made one that enabled me). The skulls are just perfect. Good job, my friend. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Your snowman is delightful and I am sure that he is pleased to finally be out in the open, as it were, on a finished quilt. The dice tray is ingenious.
Jocelyn Thurston
Sure these projects are awesome, Wendy. Always something interesting to see here. I’ve never heard of a dice tray so learning something too. Your son should love it.
Well done! That’s gotta feel great! The snowman really is cute, and the tray is a great gift for your son! Congrats! 🙂
Vicki Welsh
Your snowman is so cute!
The Morning Latte
Such an adorable little guy! And a UFO finish–huzzah! Love the dice tray. Perfect fabrics for a guy and very handy the way it will lay flat for storage. Two great finishes!
Quilting is in my Blood
That dice tray is so awesome for your son, and that’s wonderful that you got that mini quilt done. You made me smile when you referred to looking at with a side-eye!
J Mur
Super cute snowman, Wendy, and SEW sweet of you to make that special request for your son!
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
The snowman is so cute! Made me smile!