Weekly WIPs 1
Hello! Happy 2024 to you and yours! I’m looking forward to sharing my Weekly WIPs 1 to start off this new year. I’ll be linking up once again with Brenda, Carol and Melva for their linky parties (links at end of post). So let me catch you up on what’s been happening at Pieceful Thoughts.
In my last progress post, I showed you my Nativity quilt top, all finished except for the borders. Those borders have been added, it has been removed from the design wall, and the quilt top has been set aside for quilting. I’m ready to fill up that space with both my challenge quilt for The Endeavourers and my SAHRR quilt as those two projects progress. If you want information on the Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR) quilt along, you can read my post here. Several of you mentioned you are planning to join us, and I am delighted! We are going to have fun! But back to that progress post – I also mentioned a long overdue UFO that is now on my design wall, waiting for something to happen. I’m still giving it the side-eye, but at least I’ve made the decision to finish it rather than toss it. No progress on it quite yet, but soon!
I am happy to report that my challenge quilt is well under way. Actually, the top is just about done, and I’m really excited about how well it’s turning out. The reveal will be February 1st, so you’ll have to stop back then to see what I’ve done.
My SAHRR is taking shape, too. It will be fun to share more about that in just a few weeks!
While all that was going on, I also finished my last Tuxedo’s Tales block, a personal BOM for me in 2023. Tuxedo’s Tales is a quilt pattern by Bonnie Sullivan for All Through the Night. I just barely finished the block before 2023 was in the books, but I did! You’ll have to take my word for it.

This block had a lot of embellishment, and if you’ve made this block, you will note that I changed it a bit. There really should be about three times the amount of white buttons in that sprig on Wilbs’ head, and a few more of those itsy bitsy leaves. I was a little worried that with all those buttons and leaves, I wouldn’t have enough room for trimming the block to 9 inches, plus I just didn’t want to sew that many buttons! Anyway – it’s not my best block, but it’s done. Here are all 12 blocks together.

I’ll set these aside awhile now, while I decide how I want to finish the top. The pattern comes with a design for the finished top, but I may do something different. Oh, and Wilbs was so much help with that last block (I should’ve taken a video, but my hands were full of thread, needle and cat), he completely wore himself out.

I had one more quick finish before year’s end. I made this little quilt for my mother-in-law’s birthday. Using fabrics from my stash, these little spinning stars went together quickly.

This little quilt finished at 22 inches. I stitched a quick crosshatch through the blocks for the quilting, and used the star center fabric for the binding. Another cream fabric from my stash was used for the backing.

This week, I’ll continue to work on the challenge quilt, the SAHRR, and maybe finish that UFO. In the mix of all that, I’m gearing up for Project Quilting 2024 by joining in with Kim for her Project Quilting Mystery QAL. It’s the first time I’ve done the mystery quilt, and it’s improv, so I’m having a ball! I’m using these fabrics.

Rather than show you all the progress photos of the blocks, I’ll post a photo of all the blocks together in a future post – or you can see them on my Instagram page if you follow me there (@piecefulwendy). The top fabric is Kona School Bus. The print fabric is from Frond Fabrics that I’ve had on my shelf for awhile. You saw bits of this fabric in my hummingbird quilt, although you wouldn’t have recognized it! This fabric is a very bold design, so I thought it would be fun to pair it up with the yellow and see what happens.
These weekly WIPs should keep me busy, unless another squirrel or two stops by. You know how much I love a good diversion!
Linking up today with:
- Monday Musings @ Songbird Designs
- Sew & Tell @ Melva Loves Scraps
- To Do Tuesday @ Quilt Schmilt

Japanese Rice Bag

Weekly WIPs 2
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Barbara J Stanbro
Your kitty quilt turned out so cute. I like it with the orange kitties. Looks like Wilbur is comfortable enough with being the star of the show.
Ooh lovely projects. Happy New Year.
Cindy Pieters
Are you going to sash the tuxedo blocks, they look great. Wilbs looks so comfy and innocent…
You have certainly started off the year with a bang (or the hum of your sewing machine). You have tantalised me with the projects that can’t yet be shown, and delighted me with the last block of Tuxedo Tales. I really like it. Perhaps it’s the turquoise jersey and the magnificent bird. All the blocks together look magical. (If it were mine (wish, wish) I would border it in black. Just saying)
LOVE your Tuxedo Tales blocks! (Think of how much work I’d save stitching up my black kitty Charlie ;=)
Do you have a post on how you hang your little wall quilts? (Or can you point me to one?) I’ve tried pockets/loops and rods and mine is sitting folded on a table because it hangs like a lumpy hot mess.
Happy New Year – I’m looking forward to another year of pieceful thoughts!
Vicki in MN
I imagine Wilbs was doing the happy dance with you and giving you a high five for finishing up the cat blocks! Sounds like you will have lots of fun with all your upcoming projects.
Wilbs’ quilt is so, so cute. I really like the little quilt for your MIL. Spinning stars are (maybe) my favorite blocks. I thought of Wilbs the other day when Rosie and Toby were literally driving me nuts while I was trying to work on my cutting table. Kitties do tend to get pushy when they are trying to help us, right? 😉
Laura Kate
Looking forward to your reveals.
That cat quilt is just the funnest… is that a word? … most fun. Naaa… it’s really the funnest!
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
It looks and sounds like you have a great variety of projects to choose from. I really like how all 12 of your Tuxedo Tales blocks look together, and how fitting that Wilbs put in so much effort to help you with the last one!
Rochelle Summers
You certainly have been busy. Congrats on finishing the last Tuxedo block. They all look so nice together. It would be difficult to choose a favorite. A Wilbs can really be a helper! Your coming projects sound so great. It will be fun to see them in the making and finished.
Much work done in your sewing room! That’s a “bang” for 2024 … :-)))
I love to see all your projects. The little table runner is lovely. Using the star center fabric for the binding makes it very balanced. To see that you finishes projects is for sure very much motivation.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
I’m interested in seeing your challenge quilt, Wendy! I can’t imagine squeezing twice as many buttons onto that block!?! Your first mystery quilt? Improv–perfectly fits your style!!!
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
I think Tuxedo Tales should be renamed Wilbur’s Tales! Those are such cute blocks, Wendy! Love the mini for your MiL, too. Sounds like you’ve been getting a lot done on multiple projects. I’m looking forward to the SAHRR!
Kathleen McCormick
Tuxedo tales is coming along so nicely. I think you were right limiting the buttons when you look at it with the other blocks. That is fun spinning star quilt you made for your mother in law. Love the PQ project and the blocks I have seen are very interesting. It will be fun to see this all together. Funny, it is not showing up anywhere in my insta! I am going to have to go look.
J Mur
Congrats on finishing the blocks for wat I think of as the Wilbs quilt! What a darling finish for your MIL, Wendy. That was SEW sweet of you!!
Vicki Welsh
I love all of your cat blocks! Happy New Year!
The Morning Latte
I soo love the Tuxedo Tales! Clearly Wilbs does too–does he realize it’s him on there? 😉 LOL. I’m sure your MIL loved those stars. The quilting is perfect for it. I’m hoping to squeeze in some minis just that size this year. They’re always fun and rewarding!
Cocoa Quilts
Wendy you have so much going. I love those Tuxedo Tales. Your Project Quilting blocks are so bright and make me think that spring is somewhere in our future!
All Through the Night is beautiful, what a lot of work. All the best for 2024, looks like you are well organised for it.
Sounds like you’ve been really busy in the sewing room. I need to get my center block made for the SAHRR, but first I need to wash the fabric. Looking forward to seeing all your progress this year.
Hi Wendy! Wow, you’ve got a lot on your plate and all of them look like fun. I’m glad that Wilbs was such a BIG helper. It doesn’t surprise me one bit. He looks like he’s up for just about anything and everything! {{Hugs}} and Happy New Year, my friend. ~smile~ Roseanne
The Tuxedo Tales quilt is perfect! I love each block. Seeing the set of them together and in order is such fun. I think you did a great job with these Wendy! Hope your MIL has a lovely birthday. 🙂
tierneycreates: a fusion of textiles and smiles
The kitty quilt is adorable!
Carol Andrews
Hi Wendy. I’m alway pleasantly surprised when I visit your site and see all of the progress you make on your projects. I’m looking forward to the SAHRR and am completely in love with Wilb and “his” quilt. Those kitties are very impressive. Thank you for linking with TDT. 🤗