Weekly WIPs 2
My how quickly the week flies by! I’m sharing my weekly WIPs 2 today, and joining in with Brenda, Carol and Melva for their linky parties. All in all, I had a pretty good week last week. Of course, there was a diversion or two. My working list from last week:
- Endeavourers Challenge Quilt – almost done!
- SAHRR (Stay at Home Round Robin) – progress!
- Project Quilting Mystery Quilt – top done!
- Languishing UFO – still on my design wall – LOL
Since I can’t show you my challenge quilt or my SAHRR yet, I can show you my quilt top for the Project Quilting Mystery Quilt. You might remember I started with these two fabrics (you’ll need sunglasses, they are bright!).

The yellow fabric is Kona School Bus, and the print is from Frond Fabrics, which I’ve had on my shelf for awhile. Kim (Persimon Dreams) gave us daily blocks to make, and before you know it, they were ready to be sewn into a quilt top.

Kim gave us the layout as well, and I opted to follow her instructions, rather than mess around with it (another option).

I had some scraps left from the improv blocks, so I made an extra block and turned it into a quilt label to integrate into the backing of the quilt.

Working later in the evening, I was planning on getting the quilt backing done. I kept telling myself to make the backing 29 inches wide, then promptly made it 26 inches wide. The quilt top is 24 inches square-ish. Oops. No worries, easy to fix, but maybe on another day when I’m thinking a bit more clearly! So it, too, is on my design wall, waiting.
This week will be more of the same:
- Finish the challenge quilt
- Keep working on SAHRR
- Put binding on Fireside (I cannot wait to show this to you!!)
- Participate in Project Quilting challenges
- Maybe finish that UFO???
Linking up today with:
- Monday Musings @ Songbird Designs
- Sew & Tell @ Melva Loves Scraps
- To Do Tuesday @ Quilt Schmilt
Tell me about your WIPs – what’s happening in your quilt room?

Weekly WIPs 1

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I have been watching the progression of blocks on IG, so it is good to see them all together. What a vibrant quilt.
Thinking to cut 29 and cutting at 26 inches is a Tracie move! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done something similar. I look forward to your finished top. You’re making good progress.
Quilting is in my Blood
I absolutely love your improv projects! They are so inspiring to me!
What pretty blocks! Love the school bus yellow.
Looking forward to seeing the Rotation quilt again. I just copied your notes about it into a Word doc and that is the one I want to make for my oldest grandson, in Texas A&M colors. Other than that, I’m doing everything in my room except quilt my SIL’s quilt!
Kathleen McCormick
Love the fire-y improv top – it really came together nicely. I would go ahead and quilt with 26…unless you are quilting very heavily. Good luck with this week’s prompt – it is a sweet one and will be fun to see!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Those improv blocks are awesome, Wendy! Sorry about your backing fabric. I think you were right to wait until another day to make the corrections. Sometimes, I just have to walk away and then come back later with fresh eyes and clear mind! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!
the colors are bright aren’t they – I need to get busy in the sewing room today
Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
I like how the mystery quilt came together, and I’m confident you can get the backing up to the correct size in a jiffy. I’m thinking a lot about the first PQ prompt… I think I can sneak in some time to start on my idea this afternoon.
Hi Wendy! That school bus fabric is aptly named. I love it and how your project turned out. I’m looking forward to seeing where the SAHRR takes you this year. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne
Rochelle Summers
Wow! I think that is so nice. The two fabrics seem to balance each other. I know you’ll fix the backing without too much trouble.
Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting
Love the school bus, Wendy! Definitely brings back memories for me! Looks like there might be a secret message hidden in your quilt.
Diann@ Little Penguin Quilts
Your mystery quilt is fun, Wendy! I love the bright colors, and thought the blocks were really interesting. I think I saw somewhere that they represent Roman numerals for the number of years that Project Quilting has been going on? Hope you’re having fun with this week’s challenge!
Janine @ Rainbow Hare
I’m looking forward to seeing more of your mystery quilt!
Vicki in MN
Are you having a snow sewing day? Perhaps you already have this fun bright quilt all done!
Vivian B.
I didn’t know Project Quilting ran mysteries too! I’ve always wanted to do the SAHRR, I’ll have to look it up to see what’s the prompts for this year. Love how the improv project worked out and kudos on using the scraps to make a label!
Zenia Rene
I’m luvin the colors/fabrics in your mystery quilt!
The Morning Latte
Wow that yellow is great for making another fabric pop! I’ll have to file that away. Fun fabric play there!
Love your mystery quilt. It is bright and bold and such fun. It’s so easy to miscut backings. Good luck with your plans for this week. I’m really looking forward to the SAHRR. It was such fun last year.
Carol Andrews
Hi Wendy. I love your bright, happy, yellow mystery quilt. I was going to try doing it when I saw the theme, but real life, you know? Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. I hope that you made lots of progress on this list and that you stayed home and warm. 🤗