Pieceful Life,  quilting

Wet Weekend

Well, it was a very wet weekend here at Pieceful Thoughts. We have been having a lot of rain lately, and this weekend our creeks and rivers overflowed. On Friday afternoon, we decided to go for a quick walk. We knew that the trail might be closed due to the high river running alongside, and it was. We were able to get some good peeks at the water levels before we turned back. We were just about back to the car, when a few drops fell, then suddenly it was pouring. I’ll spare you the photo, but I was soaked. That was the start of the weekend rains.

The Cannon River runs through our city, and it was a popular place this weekend. Not only were there people sandbagging, but there were quite a few milling about to see how the river had swelled. Here’s a photo from Saturday evening. You can see how close the river is to going over its banks.

In this photo (sorry for the blur, we were in our car), you can see that the water is just at the edge of the parking lot of some of the businesses. Can you see the sandbags – the white stuff right below that red building?

Later Saturday evening, the river went over its banks. The Cannon has flooded like this in years past – 2010, and 2016, so the businesses and city know what needs to be done. Still, it is hard on the homes and shops affected by the flooding.

Here is that walking path on Saturday, now mostly under water!

As for our house, we were safe and dry. We have a nice little lake in our backyard, however.

While all the wet stuff was going on outside, and we weren’t driving around gawking at all the water, I decided to keep the water theme going in my quilt room and stitched up my blue improv fish for the month of June. They went together swimmingly, of course!

Other than that, I prepped the backing for the Minnesota State Seal quilt, so that is ready to go to Connie. In that post, I also talked about playing with some batiks. Here is a peek at one pattern I’m trying – Cascade by Victoria Findlay Wolfe.

This is not the actual layout of the units; I just grabbed a few and put them up on my design wall to ponder. These units are sewn into long strips and then joined together. I decided to cut some out of the batiks as a trial run, so we’ll see if I stick with batiks or change to other fabrics. The units are about 9″ long.

I hope you had a nice dry weekend rather than a wet weekend like us!



  • Barbara J Stanbro

    Your little fish are so cute! I’ve seen the Willamette River in downtown Portland when it looked like that. I think it was around 1996. Clinton was president at the time, and he visited Portland during the flooding. Scary stuff. I hope you aren’t in any danger of flooding.

  • Vicki in MN

    The rains are making up for the lack of snow here last winter I guess. But enough for a while!! Glad your house stayed dry.

  • texasquiltgal

    Of course I am sorry for the victims of the floods, but I’d sure like to have some of that wet stuff. I like those little fishies, and the batiks look pretty on your wall. Enjoy!

  • Brenda @ Songbird Designs

    I’m sorry to hear about your flooding. I thought of you when I saw a photo on one of the news platforms I follow. I’m glad you don’t have any flooding problems at your house. Love the fishes and the new Cascade you are auditioning. Have a great week and stay safe! We could use a little rain here and some heat relief too!

  • Cheree Hull

    I would take some of that wet weekend (actually, we’re getting a light rain now–huzzah)! Not the flooding of course. Our city did a lot of work upstream, creating wider spaces and overflow areas. Knock on wood, we haven’t had flooding since. I always felt for the people that lived in those flood areas. I can’t imagine the work to bring it back! Definitely great weather for working on those cute fish.

  • Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting

    Sorry about the flooding in town, Wendy. Glad you’re up high enough. Blue fish are perfect for this month!

  • Karen

    I saw the flooding last night on the news and thought of you – didn’t know how close you were to it. We could use rain but I don’t want flooding.

  • Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl

    Oh goodness, that’s a lot of rain. We are super dry here in the southwest and probably won’t really see much rain again until the winter, unfortunately. I’m glad you are positioned in a way that your home stays high and dry! The batiks look good and I do like that pattern by VFW; have fun playing!

  • Bernie

    So much water – too bad it cannot be diverted to the dry areas, right?
    I love the fishies and think this is going to be my favorite RSC quilt for this year. It is an adorable idea Wendy – and so appropriate to work on this week with your town being so waterlogged. Hope it dries out SOON.

  • Eva

    First, I am happy you are high enough! Could it be that it is the back of the hotel at the foto from the bridge downtown?
    North has to much water, south too less… omg.
    The fishes are the right theme for this time. Are the batik stripes a little bit curvy?
    Great idea! Hope no more water in the forecast for the next days ans soon everything a little bit „normal“ summer weather. Please order not this weather for next summer!
    You know my plans… ok, plans… but lovely ones … hope save days for you this week!

  • Kathleen McCormick

    I hate to see this flooding, I know it is part of the cycle of life, but it is a worry for those who live and work in its path. Your fish look great and certainly had plenty of places to swim! Now, that curvy braid is lovely and a wonderful way to use up your batiks. I am off to put a binding on a quilt, for TGIFF, better than the potholders and I think I can get it done today and get a photo to Anja, this TGIFF host for the month!

  • Katherine Duquette

    I no saw on the news a story about the flooding in Minnesota. I am be hoping it’s better now. New Mexico had a bad fire that is just starting to let folks back into the Ruidoso area. So much unsalvageable property damage there.
    Those fish are so cute to look at.
    I am curious how the Cascade strips will look side by side.
    Happy sewing in dryer weather.

  • Kate

    Hopefully things have dried out a bit and the water has receded. Your blue fishes are really cute. That’s a fun pattern for those batiks. Looking forward to seeing what direction you take that.

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