Winnie, My Inner Squirrel
Hi all – I’m Winnie, Wendy’s inner squirrel who keeps her life interesting. I usually show up in her quilt room, creating all kinds of fun, but you would find me with her pretty much wherever she is. I thought it might be fun for you to learn a little about Wendy from my point of view, so I’ve set aside my acorns and written up a few things I like about Wendy – in random order because that’s how I work best, hopping from one thing to the next.
Wendy likes squirrels – well, duh, right? But look at the little squirrels she has keeping her company in her quilt room!
You might remember this little squirrel made by Wendy’s daughter – this one is a favorite! In this photo, I’m busy guarding those nuts in that goodie bag! Yum!
And then there’s this little fella that Wendy has had since her childhood.
And this little trio, too!
She also has a very small collection of squirrel fabric (I personally think she needs more), which she is storing away like I store my acorns. She will use them when the time is right!
I’m pretty sure she’ll find more squirrels on fabric, since she likes gathering fabric almost as much as I like gathering acorns!
One of the things I enjoy most is enticing Wendy to start a new project, especially when she has a whole bunch of other projects going on. So for today’s post, I whispered in her ear and said she should make something, just for me. I reminded her that part of it was already done, and before she knew it, she was finishing this fine little mini quilt. I’m nuts about it!
She said she took some shortcuts with that piano key border, so you are not to look too closely. She also said the quilted grid is straight-ish organic and you are not to look too closely. I don’t really know anything about that stuff, I just think it’s a fine resemblance of me.
The squirrel block is a test block Wendy did for Sandra Healy Designs (so you can find the pattern there if you want one). She pulled fabric scraps and made tho border. The quilt measures 16-1/2 inches square.
I hope you enjoyed this short little peek into Wendy’s quilt room from me. I’ll do my best to keep her busy with fun little projects for you to see!
As promised, some other squirrely friends are joining in on this fun Inner Squirrel Party. Here’s the list – I hope you stop over and visit them too!
- Gertie of “On Going Projects”, (Terry, aka blogger/quilter)
- Samantha of “Quilt Schmilt For the Love of Fabric” (Carol, aka blogger/quilter)
- Stormy of “Texas Quilt Gal” (Linda, aka blogger quilter)
- Sally of “Creative Latitude Time” (Darlene, aka blogger/quilter)
Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed meeting Winnie, my inner squirrel. I want to thank Sally & Darlene for hosting this fun little break from my usual blog posts.
Happy Friday, all!

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Terry K
Winnie, I enjoyed your post very much. I especially appreciated that your Wendy made of quilt of you! How precious you are! Perhaps, Terry will collect squirrel fabric and make a likeness of me someday. –Gertie
Carol Andrews
Winnie it was so nice meeting you. You did very well at not telling too many of Wendy’s secrets. It was nice of you to show us so many of Wendy’s treasures and I’m especially impressed with the mini quilt you inspired. 🐿 Samantha
Cindy Pieters
Winnie a delightful post, thanks for sharing Wendy’s little squirrel collection and fabrics. An adorable mini quilt of you!
Nancy Bekedam
LOL! Fun to get to hear Winnie’s side of the story!!! And wow, love those squirrel fabrics and figurines!!!!
Vicki in MN
Winnie, thank you for sharing more info on Wendy! I knew she liked squirrels, but I didn’t know she had so many squirrel objects in her possession! Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don’t:)
Hee hee, so you are the wild one behind Wendy’s projects that pop up from time to time, Winnie! 😀 I haven’t thought about squirrels and acorns in years, since we usually feed them raw peanuts. Acorns are so much more suited to a quilt, don’t you think? Tell Wendy that is the cutest quilt squirrel I’ve ever seen, and I didn’t look closely. 😉
🐿️ 🥰😘
Thanks, Winnie! It was a fun post to read and learn about Wendy and yourself! 🙂
Debbie Stoffer
Winnie,you have some great fabric! And, your squirrel collection of fabric definitely needs more friends!
Brenda @ Songbird Designs
Such a cute tribute to Winnie and all your squirrels!! Love it. Such a fun post!
There are some cute squirrels at Wendy’s house – quilty and otherwise! I love Winnie’s Mini – a lot of us out here in blogland should have one of those in our sewing rooms. The inner squirrel at my place (so far unnamed) is waving hello to Winnie!
Hi Winnie (and Wendy, too, who has to read this to you, I assume)! Thank you so much for sharing this insight into Wendy and her overall quilting scheme. I have a very important question fo you – how do you get along with Wilbs? It would seem to me that he might be interested in that goodie bag of nuts. I hope he doesn’t touch them! I will do my best to encourage Wendy to purchase more squirrel fabric – she is DEFINITELY lacking. I agree with that – that is a fabulous likeness of you with a delicious acorn. It is wonderful to meet you, Winnie! Happy Halloween to you. I hope you don’t get scared or creeped out. ~smile~ Roseanne
Rochelle Summers
Such a cute post. I didn’t know you collected squirrels or that they were in fabric! How cool is this. Love your “guardian squirrel”…that candy wouldn’t be safe from me even with the squirrel being right there. And that wall hanging is darling.
Winnie, what a fun post. Nice to see how you inspire Wendy. I love the mini quilt squirrel she made for you I will try to get Darlene to make one for me. I’m delighted to have you participate in this Inner Squirrel party and for all you shared and inspired, as well as fun you created.
The Joyful Quilter
TOO cute, you two!!! :o))
Sandra Walker
Too funny and so perfect that you’ve finally allowed her out of your sewing room and into your blog world ha! Inner squirrel is like our inner child, and should be revered and allowed to just have fun!
Quilting is in my Blood
Great post! And your squirrel mini is adorable!
How fun to see your collection of squirrel stuffies and figurines! The mini of Winnie is a great likeness and turned out super cute 🙂
You have a fun collection of squirrels. Thanks for sharing!
Very pleased to meet you Winnie. I also think that Wendy’s mini quilt is lovely. You are lucky to be spoilt like this as it seems she made it especially for you.
Kathleen McCormick
Well Winnie, it is lovely to meet you. You did keep your mistress very busy….she is the queen of new projects. I love her collection of squirrels – so much fun to see – and I am sure she needs some more squirrel fabric.
Winnie, I have a question for you. Do you tell Wendy good places to store her works-in-progress, and then later, when she is trying to find them again, you have both forgotten where you stored them? That happens at my house — a lot –and I would like to know if I can credit an army of inner squirrels for that situation.
Winnie, thanks for sharing Wendy’s mini squirrel quilt and squirrel fabric. My inner squirrel hasn’t found any squirrel fabric for me yet. I enjoyed using the link to drop in on Sandra Healy’s site to check out her fun patterns. I’m torn between ordering her applique squirrel or the pieced squirrel block.
Jocelyn Thurston
I really love your little Winnie and that squirrel pattern she encouraged you to make, Wendy. Perfect for the autumn days.
Sandra Healy
So lovely seeing all your squirrelly things and your mini quilt turned out wonderfully. Many thanks for including the link to my website! Your squirrel fabric is darling, I can’t wait to see what you make with it.
Maryellen McAuliffe
Sweet! The ceramic squirrels are cute.
Lovely post…’s been nice to (belatedly) meet all the inner squirrels on the bloghop. I’ve decided I really to let my inner squirrel play a little more often!
Cheree Hull
Those little squirrels are adorable! Esp the more retro-looking ones. What a fun little thing to collect! It has been awhile since I’ve let my inner squirrel come out to play–and may not come out until after the holidays I’m betting.